Service provider evaluation

Service provider evaluation

Service provider options

Following the identification of Xxxxxx as the preferred CMS, two service providers were identified, each with expertise in the provision of this CMS as a service. Given the importance of the service delivery to the succes of this initiative, both to individual users and to the University, 'vendor difference' was well worth exploring. Scoring was on a scale of 0-5, where 0 means that the product/service doesn't meet the criteria at all and 5 means that it meets it fully or exceeds our expectations.

Requirements of a service provider

Vendor 1Vendor 2


The CMS is available as a hosted service, either in NZ or overseas, where the server and software infrastructure are maintained by the vendor.


Developer resources available

The service provider has access to a pool of developers skilled in the technology, available for contract development as and when required.


Service/relationship management

Service provider is experienced at managing the relationship and service delivery to similar (size, location, industry) organisations.


Server reliability/up-time, including upgrades

The servers are available for at least 99.5% on a seven-day basis, including upgrades.

Planned upgrade outages are outside NZ working hours.


Support and self-service

Users must have access to a help desk during NZ working hours as a minimum.

Multi-channel options are desirable.

Model for provisioning an instance should be as close to self-service as possible.

What are the decommissioning/end-of-life arrangements?


Backing up, restoring and versioning

The service provider either offers a back-up service or the service allows for auto backup via cron job or other program.

We can restore our own files without recourse to the service provider.


Understands our business

The service provider demonstrates an understanding of our needs, and ideally our business. After all, we have to work closely together.

Automating tasks (Cron Jobs, Auto Script Installer, .htaccess, SSI, content migration)

Features to increase our productivity and ability to deliver a good service.


Other criteria

Scoring should be on a binary scale, so Yes/No, the product/service is acceptable when compared to this criteria.

Feature or attribute


ScoringVendor 1Vendor 2


The service must meet the University's minimum security standards. See DIA Cloud Checklist Template - To Vendor.xlsx


Account conditions and suspension

The terms and conditions must be acceptable and should be generous and transparent.



We must be able to afford the price. Check sign-on cf renewal.
