Banners - use the existing images associated with the programme, use these unless requested otherwise
Concertina blocks may not be a best solution for the different qual information on Study Options if these blocks are too long it can be hard to find your way back.
Similar qualfications referral - will we do this? Paul recommends that we don't as it could be too political. It is also a difficult decsion to make so they are better to talk to a human being.
VBS Professional Programmes
Confirm design patterns that need development
At a glance
Icons and microdesign
Table of contents of anchor links for the sub-qualifications
Downloadable documents
Nested programmes: When stair-cased: Requirement page may have three sections, one per programme.
What about if not (usually) staircased?
Referencing more staff who are linked to qualification
Programme Director contact information on People tab
Why Wellington block will also be for Auckland and distance - won't be able to always have Wellington image in background.
Listing page (all PG programmes related to a subject), hanging off the Study Options page.
If there is time ...
Comparing 2-3 'at a glance' cards
Course details on requirements tab - may not do as long as SME will swallow this, otherwise will look at minimising this.
The solution for the bigger degrees with lots of majors still needs to be sorted.
Nested programmes: When stair-cased: Requirement page may have three sections, one per programme.
What about two versions of the same programme (e.g. MCom, 120 points by thesis and 180 by coursework)