Urls: Guidelines, background and proposal
In reading various sets of guidelines on ulrs I often found reference to the value in sticking with convention. In other words, in all parts of the site be consistent , stick to your URL guidelines, etc. This makes things easier for users (and future developers), as they will have a clear idea of how content is organized into folders and pages. This can apply globally as well for sites that share platforms, brands, etc.
I have been unable to find any guidelines so have collected the following suggestions from various sites.
Always write for humans first.
And by extension allocate the best/ shorter urls to benefit the most customers. This would mean promoting topic pages ahead of faculties and schools (e.g. www.victoria.ac.nz/law to take you to the topic page not to the faculty.
Describe your content. An obvious URL is a great URL. If a user can look at the Address bar (or a pasted link) and make an accurate guess about the content of the page before ever reaching it, you've done your job. These URLs get pasted, shared, emailed, written down, and yes, even recognized by the engines.
Keep it short. The shorter the URL, the easier to copy & paste, read over the phone, write on a business card, or use in a hundred other unorthodox fashions, all of which spell better usability & increased branding. Avoid less important words (e.g. a, the, for , our, as, etc)
Only use lower case.
Use keywords. Important ones first, not too many (3–5 keywords for file names with a maximum of 50–60 characters to avoid lengthy URLs), do not repeat words for section and sub-section.
To avoid confusion for both visitors and search engines, keywords for folders and file names should be separated with a hyphen. The plus symbol
and underscore (_) are options but not recommended.
Aim to keep pages closer to the root domain as crawlers assign more relevance to pages higher in the directory structure. This means fewer folders. A URL should contain no unnecessary folders (or words or characters for that matter), for the same reason that a man's pants should contain no unnecessary pleats. The extra fabric is useless and will reduce his likelihood of impressing potential mates.
Example guidelines
The following examples might help VUW develop their own
- Providence College: Sensible, for a tertiary organisation
- Plymouth State: Sensible, for a tertiary organisation
- Google: Guidelines for website developers
- gov.uk: Worth reading, as always. Thorough
Subjects and topics
In moving from a subject page to topic page approach it is useful to remind ourselves how subject pages are currently named. I had expected a high level of consistency, both within and between faculties, even if we planned to change things moving forward. What I fould was anything but consistent, which is why I have documented so many examples.
Here is an example for accounting and actuarial science, both subjects from the Victoria Business School. It shows differences between subjects within a faculty, the old subjects use Banner course code and newer list subject in full with hyphen to denote the space between words:
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacl/study/subjectsoffered/accy and no entry on the appropriate school page (http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/subjectsoffered)
- On the faculty sites: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs/study-careers/subjects/accy and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs/study-careers/subjects/actuarial-science
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/accounting and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/actuarial-science
Here is an example from the Faculty of Science, this time for biology and electronic computer systems. Consistent within the faculty but different paths between faculties.
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sbs/study/subjects/biol and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/undergraduate-study/bsc/elco
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/science/study/subjects/biol and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/science/study/subjects/elco
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/biology and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/electronic-and-computer-systems
And another Chinese and political science from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, showing the challenge when there are composite majors used for a subject page:
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/slc/study/subjectsoffered/chin and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi/about/overview-of-the-school/psir-overview
- On the faculty site:http://www.victoria.ac.nz/slc/study/subjectsoffered/chin and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi/study/subjects/pols
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/chinese and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/political-science-and-international-relations
Law place the programme name where others place the subject:
- On the school site: n/a
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/law/study/undergraduate/llb
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/law
Network engineering in the Faculty of Engineering:
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/subjects/nwen
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/engineering/study/subjects/nwen
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/network-engineering
I propose that we follow:
- For topic pages (and megatopics if they need addresses): /study/[topicname] An example would be /study/architecture
- For topic pages written for an international audience: /international/study/[topicname]
Programmes were no more consistent than subjects, although in the name of efficiency I have documented fewer. I have not From the Faculty of Architecture and Design a Bachelor of Architectural Studies with a specialisation (to be major from 2016) in Interior architecture:
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/architecture/study/undergraduate/bas with a specialisation (to be a major in 2016) http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fad/study/subjects/itda
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fad/study/undergraduate/bas with a specialisation http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fad/study/subjects/itda
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/undergraduates/bachelors-degrees/architectural-studies with a specialisation http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fad/study/subjects/itda
From the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Criminology :
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fhss/study/undergraduate/ba and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacs/study/subjects/crim
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fhss/study/undergraduate/ba and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacs/study/subjects/crim
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/undergraduates/bachelors-degrees/arts and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacs/study/subjects/crim
From the Victoria Business School of a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Economics:
- On the school (supposed to School of Economics and Finance) site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/som/study/undergraduate/bcom and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/subjectsoffered/econ or http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/subjectsoffered/econ#bcom
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs/study-careers/undergraduate-degrees/bcom and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs/study-careers/subjects/econ
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/undergraduates/bachelors-degrees/commerce and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/subjectsoffered/econ
I propose that we follow:
- For UG programme pages: /programme/undergraduate/[programmename]/[majorname] An example would be /programme/undergraduate/bachelor-arts/greek
- For programme pages written for an international audience: /international/programme/undergraduate/[programmename]/[majorname]
Courses are a little different, in that many faculties and schools do not present course information on an addressable web page. Most tend to redirect to Course FInder, which is on Homesite. A few where there are webpages on the faculty or school site are:
From the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences FILM101 Introduction to Film Analysis :
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/seftms/study/courses/film/film-101
- On the faculty site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fhss/student-admin/course-outlines/2015/trimester-1/film2/FILM101-2015-T1.pdf
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/film/101?year=2015
From the Faculty of Architecture and Design SARC101 Design Processes:
- On the school site: Redirected to Homesite at http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/sarc/112?year=2015
- On the faculty site: Redirected to school site at http://www.victoria.ac.nz/architecture/study/courses/sarc-112
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/sarc/112?year=2015
From the Faculty of Engineering ENGR101 Engineering Technology:
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs/study/courses/engr-101
- On the faculty site: Redirects to the school site above
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/engr/101?year=2015
From the Faculty of Law LAWS121 Introduction to New Zealand Legal System :
- On the school site: Redirects to Homesite as http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/laws/121?year=2015
- On the faculty site: n/a
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/laws/121?year=2015
From the Faculty of Science ESCI201 Climate Change and New Zealand's Future:
- On the school site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sgees/study/courses/esci-201
- On the faculty site: Only a few faculty courses on this site, so a different example http://www.victoria.ac.nz/science/study/courses/scie-101
- On Homesite: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/courses/esci/201?year=2015
I propose that we follow:
- For course pages: /courses/[subjectcode]/[coursenumber]/[year]
- Where the year parameter is missing default to the most recent year available
- For course pages written for an international audience: /international/courses/[subjectcode]/[coursenumber]/[year]
Faculties and Schools
There is also inconsistency in how both faculties and the schools within them are addressed
- Faculty of Architecture and Design is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fad and a school is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/design
- Faculty of Education is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/education and a school is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/education/schools/education
- Faculty of Engineering is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/engineering and a school is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ecs
- Faculty of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fhss and a school is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi or http://www.victoria.ac.nz/seftms or http://www.nzsm.ac.nz/home
- Faculty of Law is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/law and a school is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sgees or http://www.victoria.ac.nz/psyc
- Faculty of Science is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/science and a school is
- Victoria Business School is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs and a school is http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacl/
I propose that we follow:
- For faculties: /faculty/[facultyname] For example www.victoria.ac.nz/faculty/architecture-design or www.victoria.ac.nz/faculty/humanities-social-sciences
- For schools: /school/[schoolname] For example www.victoria.ac.nz/school/design or www.victoria.ac.nz/school/english-literature-film-theatre-media-studies
- And by extension, if required, csu's could be: /services/[serviceunitname] For example www.victoria.ac.nz/services/information-technology-services
- Will our repeated topic pages (now only geography) be identical in all respects (in which case we can use one url for both instances)? Or will there be different content/links/etc