Item | Who | To discuss | Notes |
English Proficiency | Jane | They have a unique apply process and application form - how can we handle this? http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/degrees/certificate-of-proficiency-in-english/about EPP application form I can’t find a button that takes me directly from the English Proficiency Programme webpage to the application form, and I have had an outside query asking me how to apply. Could you add a button so that it links directly to the page below? https://www.victoria.ac.nz/international/applying/pathway/english-proficiency | |
Apply button | Nick/writers | We've got the new standard PG qual Apply text See for e.g. http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-international-trade/apply-contact Since apply is the key action we thought it should be a blue button. Should it and if so, who needs to do what? |
Summary card insensitive to inter-subject differences | Paul | An example is "How can we accurately communicate that Information Systems in a BCom(Hons) has two intakes per year, whereas the other subjects have only one?" Adding new content to 'clarify/correct' the situation can be done 'cheaply' but contradicts existing information and might just confuse. Making the cards 'subject-sensitive' is expensive but provides the user with only the correct information for each subject in a qualification. |
External Google seems to override our HTML title | Nick | e.g. In this search for text only on the MFA(CP) page when you select film the title is "Film - Victoria University of Wellington" (If you click repeat the search with the omitted results included you see a range of titles, one for each parameter (Film, Design, Music, Theatre) and one for the URL/heading (Requirements) But the code of: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-fine-arts-creative-practice/requirements?subject=film shows: <title ng-bind="MetaService.title">Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice) | Victoria University</title> |
Enhancements | Jane | Talk about anything new on the enhancements list Enhancements to Areas of Study and Degree/Programme Pages Paul has been parking ideas (his and from other people) in two epics, one for improving AoS pages and the other for ug degrees. | |
Blockers | All | Team to raise any blockers not already covered |