AC Master of Commerce by thesis (MCom)

AC Master of Commerce by thesis (MCom)




  • v2.5: Applied new punctuation rules and course range link changes
  • v2.6: 2017 style changes 


Name: Master of Commerce by thesis

Abbreviation: MCom

Duration: 3-4 trimesters 

Duration details: 3-4 trimesters of full-time study or normally 6 if studied part time

Schedule: Self-directed study

Intensity: Full time or part time

Type: Research

Study at: Flexible

Complete: 120 points (1-3 course)

Entry: Bachelor's degree with Honours in relevant subject 

Start: Trimester 1,2 or 3

Apply by: Standard trimester dates

Costs: From database for international only at this stage

Impact of previous university study in same subject: Requires

Entry requirements

A Bachelor of Commerce with Honours or a Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce

To have met the prerequisites for the subject you wish to study (see subject section below)

To be accepted by the programme director or head of school as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study

Important information

  • If you want to enrol in this programme but don't meet some of the entry requirements, you should contact Victoria Business School to discuss your options.
  • The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of programme and course information.

Programme requirements

Complete 120 points, of which

  • At least 40 points must be at 500 level
  • At least 30 points must be research-based courses
  • All courses must come from those listed for the BCom or MCom

Satisfy the subject requirements

Subject requirements 


Complete either ACCY 591 or

  • ACCY 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above


Complete either ECON 591 or

  • ECON 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above


Complete either FINA 591 or

  • FINA 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above

Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Complete either HRIR 591 or

  • HRIR 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above

Information Systems

Complete either INFO 591 or

  • INFO 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above

International Business

Complete either IBUS 591 or

  • IBUS 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above


Complete either MGMT 591 or

  • MGMT 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above


Complete either MARK 591 or

  • MARK 592 and further approved courses worth 30 points at 400-level or above

Public Policy

Complete PUBL 591