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This page contains details of changes needed to support the go-live of the release of Areas of Study and Degree pages to production. The table below covers:

  • any changes to the existing navigation pages on Faculty, School and homesite pages
  • redirects need for the Faculy, School and homesite pages which are being retired
  • details of the content existing pages contained that is not (fully) covered on the new pages

JIRA tickets

WIP-838 - Getting issue details... STATUS

WIP-828 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Degree or subjectExisting pageActionsContent not (fully) covered on new/replacement pages: With comment as to coverage
Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Faculty site: 58869


School site: 58869

Faculty contacts details: Replaced by VUW contact details

Application date for Part 2: Not covered anywhere. We can add it to our page if it is necessary.

Rank preferences of specialisations (should be majors?) in OES: Not covered anywhere. We can add it to our page if it is necessary.

Further study: Some PG programmes highlighted and others left until our PG sweep (mid-2016)

Degree examples (tabular form): Same content is covered by our new expression of the degree requirements. Visual examples (as in GUS) to come in a later release.

 Home site: 189586

Actions in the previous row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is not required to feed International, which draws only on the subject pages.

Same as above

Listing pages

Faculty: 59308

School: 62226


  • Add a redirect link so that the new degree page appears in left-hand sidebar on both faculty and school sites.
  • I have asked Kristin to edit the wording to remove references to 'specialisations', when we have been so careful to refer to the subjects as majors in the BAS. She will do the BBSc at the same time, as it is listed on the same two pages. She will leave BDI until I have a better handle on it.
  • On both faculty and school listing pages, redirect the link for the "Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS" to  






Faculty site: 59332

School site: 59332

Home site: 198552


Actions in the previous lines in this row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is required to feed International.

School name: Not a pattern we follow, as users were not interested.

Credit transfer of prior tertiary study: Not covered anywhere. We can add it to our page if it is necessary.

Related subjects: Replaced by related topics (being the topics that contain the related subject). Will need to limit this to 6.

List of careers: Sometimes handled at topic level, sometimes at subject, with link to CareersNZ for further information.

Course listing table: Not covered anywhere. Seems more appriopriate for a page on the new faculty/school site than on

Interior Architecture

Faculty site: 59352

School site: 59352

Home site: 198784

Actions in the previous lines in this row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is required to feed International.

Same as Architecture


Landscape Architecture

Faculty site: 59356

School site: 59356

Home site: 198800

Actions in the previous lines in this row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is required to feed International.

Same as Architecture


Architecture History and Theory

Faculty site: 59328

School site: 59328

Home site: 198556

Actions in the previous lines in this row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is required to feed International.

Same as Architecture


AoS navigation 205925

If we have a new state for the AoS navigation,

If not,

  • This is a temporary measure and would need fixing once the first option is developed.
Related AoS
  • Check all six related AoS have the right state: Either subject level links (where the topic is not yet live) or 'Explore topic name' where the topic is already live.
  • Pay special attention to Building Science and Design


  • No labels