- Female
- 22 years old
- Toward end of degree (year 4)
- Flatting
- Self-motivated
- Extremely confident
- Makes herself known to teaching staff during studies
"I’m really enjoying university, the end is in sight. I know what is expected of me and can apply the right balance to student life and life. I’m really happy about what I’ve achieved so far and feel confident my exams will go well. I can be open with my lecturers and tutors who give me a lot of feedback and clarification to do well on assignments. I found the learning support services and mentoring were really great in my first couple of years. I work hard and achieve great results from it, which keep me motivated in my last year(s) at university. I am reassured about my future after university. I realise it’s tough out there but hopefully with my extra study and volunteer work experience I’ll be fine. If I do my post-grad study this should help. I find I often have to say no to social events with my friends as I put my study first."
Technology and internet
Tertiary education and career goals
- Driven to complete degree well. Contemplating post-grad
- Has a clear, high-achieving career path in mind
Information needs from Victoria