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Page Properties
titleIn progressDECIDED
StakeholdersGabe Ryan (Unlicensed) Alida Steemson (Unlicensed) Joe Lobotka (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted), Nick Butler (Unlicensed), Sam Motion (Unlicensed) 
OutcomeCan edit but may not be approved and need to revert
Due date
OwnerJane Young (Unlicensed) 


The previous decision was that we wouldn't edit Staff and Student profiles as this would then create delays getting the necessary approvals.

With the transition in writers this got missed and some have been edited. It is also felt that it is important to edit these stories as the full stories aren't going to deliver enough value.


We will edit stories but on the basis we may need to use the full story and an unedited quote. Don't edit stories from Career View as some of these are years old and there is no-one to re-ask for approval. 

Details of the stories, where they were found and whether they are edited should be recorded on the Topics: Student Stories & Images page in confluence

Action items

  •  Jane Young (Unlicensed) to check with each Faculty to see how time consuming getting approvals would be and if they are prepared to take on this work.