I figure it can help us decide things like which content elements:
- we need,
- in which order
- on which tabs
- we don't need (or won't be able to source in time)
- might be best left on faculty/school pages
- should be standard blocksuse a controlled vocabulary
- will be useful metadata
Potential content elements
- Title
- Intro
- Apply/application process
- Programme/degree overview
- Why the degree (marketing/recruitment content)
- Video, photo or slideshow
- People/story quotes
- At a glance
- Available subjects
- Duration (number of trimesters (including a range) if full time)
- Starting trimester (or date if more applicable, including "any")
- Applications close-off date (or "standard trimester closing dates")
- Cost (indicative (so either range or most recent finalised figure), programme level including student fees, probably domestic and international)
- Delivery method (including "proportion by distance" to allow for filtering)
- Locations (Auckland, Wellington to campus level, maybe distance learning as a location)
- Composition (coursework, research, either, both)
- Part time option available Y/N (or will this often require more detail?)
- Study while you work scheduling? Blocks and/or evening courses
- Nesting/staircase/: part of and/or made up of
- Professional programme Y/N
- Level(s) (Hons, Graduate Certificate, Postgraduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, PhD/Doctorate) – similar to metadata level
- Area of study
- Faculty
- School
- Important information
- Programme structure
- Part time study options/information
- Workload
- Information for people new to or returning to study
- Further study/leads to
- Timetable
- Scholarships
- Other ways to finance study (programme-related jobs like tutor, research assistant plus links to Jobseeker’s Allowances, Student job search for summer jobs, employer might pay for prof progs?)
- Research/thesis information, especially including suggestions [optional]
- PhD proposal advice (Programme-specific and/or link to general PhD proposal info) [optional]
- Assessment
- Fees
- Careers
- Contact
- Find out more
- Related programmes/qualifications
- How they’re related (nesting/staircasing)
- Information specific to each programme
- Why Victoria
- Requirements
- Entry requirements
- Degree requirements
- Courses
- Important information
- Subjects you can study
- Introduction
- Subject requirements
People and stories
- Metadata
- Description
- HTML title
- Programme code
- Level(s)
- Length of full time study
Length of full time study secondary info
Estimated yearly course fees
- Selected at-a-glance elements above