'Money=status' profile in 'Gen Y' tribes
See also: Theo in KYM profiles
Male, aged 17, Pakeha.
Comes from Auckland. Year 12 at school (Kings College).
Hanging out with friends.
Technology and internet
Has the latest smartphone and a state-of-the-art laptop.
Spends a lot of time online - a favourite way to connect with friends. Loves Facebook and social media. Downloads movies and uses Spotify and YouTube for music.
Tertiary education and career goals
Henry's parents are high income earners - they went to uni themselves. They're supportive but not closely involved in his decision making about uni.
Henry thinks of university as a place where he will become more independent through managing his own money, study and schedule. He'd like to extend his circle of interests and acquaintances.
Information needs from Victoria
Victoria's Law School has an excellent reputation, and Henry would like to find out more about the undergrad and postgrad programmes they offer. He's also interested in the achievements of the school and its senior academic staff.