'Ladder climber' type from Colmar Brunton tribes.
'Natalie' profile in SAS personas.
- Female.
- 22 years old.
- From China.
- Studying Bachelor of Commerce. Is in her final year. Intends to do Masters.
- Flatting.
- Social, enjoys going out with friends - but when assignment work or study needs to be done, always puts that first.
- Enjoys shopping - but has to make financial sacrifices while she's a student.
- Independent.
- Influenced by her peers.
- Self-motivated, is achieving well at uni.
- Extremely confident - an extrovert.
- Financial decision maker.
"I’m really enjoying university. I know what is expected of me and can apply the right balance to student life and my social life. I’m really happy about what I’ve achieved so far and feel confident my exams will go well."
"I can be open with my lecturers, who give me a lot of feedback and clarification to help me do well in assignments."
"I found the learning support services and mentoring were really great in my first couple of years and my English wasn't so good."
"I work hard and achieve great results from it, which keeps me motivated. I am reassured about my future after university. If I do my postgrad study, that should definitely help."
- Worries about missing things so checks everything. Appreciates when it's clear where she should find information.
- Is decisive. Hard to get her to consider alternate options. Also prone to message fatigue.
- Wishes she had more time for social activities and joining groups. Wants to make the most of her time in NZ.
Technology and internet
Happy to browse around to find the information she needs. Likes to be able to see the bigger picture.
Communications preferences: Checks emails frequently. Also gets face-to-face updates at lectures. Uses Blackboard, MyVic, the Library website and the (main) VUW website. Receives event updates through FB, but doesn't have time to take part.
Social media: Utilises all course/class rep Facebook pages for assignments/tests and general course info. Has a personal profile on LinkedIn.
Devices: Tablet and iPhone. Accesses Vic WIFI. Uses computers in Library.
Tertiary education and career goals
- Driven to complete her degree well. Will definitely do postgrad.
- Has a clear, high-achieving career path in mind.
- Doesn't intend to stay in New Zealand after finishing her study. Wants an international career and thinks that will probably be in Asia.
Information needs from Victoria