Major changes
- Course codes now have title and are link on the degree requirements page.
- Linking to the degree from a Study option Degree button no carries across context - Available majors on degree about page will be highlighted (poorly at the moment). The major on the degree requirements page will be expanded.
Minor changes
- Heading tool tip added to Study options Undergraduate header
- Content changes - sorry unknown
Major changes
- Replaced show more functionality with smarter function.
Minor changes
- Fixed header banner image squashing at odd view port widths
- Added banner image for degrees
- Tweaks to styles of degree requirements
Bugs fixed
Other fixes
- Fixed Contact block on topic page using old data object - now showing correct data and links.
Major changes
- Study options - related degree now has Postgrad working correctly
Minor changes
- Font size scaled down on larger view ports
Minor changes
- Fix for API restructure, majors intro and study options subjects
- Tweak to styles; quotes, fun facts, and study options subjects.
Breaking change
- The /topic endpoint is now /study-areas
- The /degree endpoint is now /degrees
Major changes
- URL updated.
- Metadata and introductions shuffled
- Degrees - banner updated to include metadata
Minor changes
- Fix for API restructure, majors intro and study options subjects
- Tweak to styles; Wellington promo, subjects list.
Bugs fixed
Had to urgently push this release to dev-node as the stage server was down.
Minor changes
- Style changes to requirements layout.
- Removed the show more functionailty as it clash with the tool tips.
Major changes
Minor changes
- Style changes to;
- Video appreance - new styles
- Banners - both
- Degree intro on mobile
- Buttons flow on tablet
- Degree facts first two flow on tablet/mobile
- Highlighted major on Degree about page
- Sorting of subjects in Related areas of study boxes - now alphabetical
Bugs Fixed
Released back onto stage
Major changes
- Inline tooltips - To start with it's only going to affect the intros and some plain content
- Black strap header menu added - search on desktop missing
- Related areas of study - now links to subjects
Minor changes
- Removed contact advisor button on Degrees /about page
- Style changes to;
- Block with links - now show external links not buttons
Bugs Fixed
Major changes
- Added Quotes linking functionailty
Minor changes
- Fixed issue with Next button on study options page not showing on load.
Bugs Fixed
Major changes
- Added the loading and error screen back in
- Tooltips
Minor changes
- Unique banners for study-areas
- Quotes lining working better
Bugs Fixed
Added a listing page at the root /explore
Major changes
Minor changes
- Tweak to video banner
- Added list ability to entry requirement block
Bugs Fixed
Major changes
- Changed the styling of the Entry requirements
Minor changes
- Removed Majors heading when degree has no majors ie BTM
Bugs Fixed
Major changes
- Moved the version number to the bottom of the pages
- Added the the Explore page content
Minor changes
- Fix for banner margins on mobile
Bugs Fixed
Major changes
Minor changes
- Tweaks to Quote links to accomodate change in API
- Menu tabs styling - shows out better on same colours when scrolling.
- Added in a standard global metadata description - Thinking of studying at Victoria University? This is a good place to start. Explore our areas of study and undergraduate degrees.
Bugs Fixed

Note: I cant seem to replicate this anymore, possibly was fixed with the footer updates.