- v1.0: Initial draft
- v1.1: Responded to suggested changes made by Carolyn
- v1.2: Corrections based on cross-checking with GUS
JIRA: - GEN-1857Getting issue details... STATUS
Name: Bachelor of Health
Abbreviation: BHlth
Complete: 360 points (approximately 20 courses)
Duration: 3 years of full-time study
Duration details: Can also be studied part time
Start: Trimesters 1, 2 or 3
Entry Requirements
To be accepted into this degree you need:
University Entrance, or to meet the requirements of another admission type
Degree requirements
For this degree you'll need to:
Complete at least 360 points, of which:
- At least 240 points must be from courses listed for the BHlth
- A maximum of 180 points can be at 100 level and
- At least 75 points must be at 300 level
- Of the 75 points, at least 60 must be from courses listed for the BHlth
Complete five core courses at 100 level (usually in first year):
- HLWB 101
- HLWB 102
- HLWB 103
- HLWB 104
- STAT 193 or QUAN 102
Satisfy the requirements for at least one major subject (see below)
Important information
- Make sure you check what the prerequisites are for all 200- and 300-level courses you are planning to do in your degree. Ensure your choices will cover those requirements.
- 300-level courses may only be counted towards one major (see below)
- The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of information on programme details and requirements.
- If you have any questions talk to a liaison officer. If you’re already a student here contact a student adviser.
Major subject requirements
In addition to the degree requirements, for this major you'll need to complete:
Health Informatics
Five core courses at 100 level (as listed for the BHlth)
Two courses at 100 level:
- INFO 101
- INFO 151
Six courses at 200 level:
- HLWB 201
- HLWB 202
- HLWB 203
- INFO 231
- INFO 264
- One further course from:
- INFO 200-299
- Other approved courses
Five courses at 300 level:
- HLWB 301 or HLWB 302
- INFO 354
- INFO 360
- Two further courses from:
- INFO 300-399
- Other approved courses
Elective courses as required to make-up a total of 360 points
Important information
- Remember to check the core courses listed under the degree requirements.
Health Promotion
Five core courses at 100 level (as listed for the BHlth)
Two courses at 100 level:
- HLWB 105
- EDUC 141
Five courses at 200 level:
- HLWB 201
- HLWB 202
- HLWB 203
- HLWB 206
- SOSC 220
Four courses at 300 level:
- HLWB 301 or HLWB 302
- HLWB 306
- HLWB 310
- HLWB 311
Elective courses as required to make-up a total of 360 points
Important information
- Remember to check the core courses listed under the degree requirements.
Health Psychology
Five core courses at 100 level (as listed for the BHlth)
Three courses at 100 level:
- HLWB 105
- PSYC 121
- PSYC 122
Six courses at 200 level:
- HLWB 201
- HLWB 202
- HLWB 205
- PSYC 221
- PSYC 232
- PSYC 233
Five courses at 300 level:
- HLWB 301 orHLWB 302
- HLWB 305
- PSYC 325
- PSYC 332
- PSYC 333
Elective courses as required to make-up a total of 360 points
Important information
- Remember to check the core courses listed under the degree requirements.
Health Software Development
Five core courses at 100 level (as listed for the BHlth)
Two courses at 100 level:
- COMP 102 or COMP 112
- COMP 103
Seven courses at 200 level:
- HLWB 201
- HLWB 202
- HLWB 203
- NWEN 241
- NWEN 243
- SWEN 221
- SWEN 222
Five courses at 300 level:
- HLWB 301 or HLWB 302
- SWEN 325
- SWEN 326
- SWEN 303 or SWEN 304
- One further approved 300-level course from COMP, NWEN or SWEN
Elective courses as required to make-up a total of 360 points
Important information
- Remember to check the core courses listed under the degree requirements.
Population Health, Policy and Service Delivery
Five core courses at 100 level (as listed for the BHlth)
Two courses at 100 level:
- FCOM 111
- PUBL 113
Five courses at 200 level:
- HLWB 201
- HLWB 202
- HLWB 203
- HLWB 104
- PUBL 201
Five courses at 300 level:
- HLWB 301 or HLWB 302
- HLWB 303
- HLWB 304
- HLWB 309
- HLWB 312
Elective courses as required to make-up a total of 360 points
Important information
- Remember to check the core courses listed under the degree requirements.