When you send an invite through GatherContent you can add your own customised information. I used to have this in the main email but it seems to work better if I add it to the GatherContent email.
As per my email this is the invitation to the online review software. The login is your vuw.ac.nz email and then it should allow you to choose a password.
You will not be able to edit the content but you can make comments—highlight the area you wish to feedback on and click the popup “add comment”. Write in your comment and then click the blue ‘comment’ button to save it. If you see existing yellow underlines in the content these may be questions for you to review. Let me know if you would like anyone else invited to the online review system.
Once you have completed the review and feedback you will need to email me so I can change the status and assign the content to one of our writers to update. If you have any issues please get in touch.
Jane Young
extn. 6487