Programme groupings
This faculty offers 16 groups of PG programmes, or 38 unique programmes in total.
Contact people for Professional Programmes
School of Accounting and Commercial Law
Master of Professional Accounting: Monday 23rd May, 2.30-3.30, Rutherford House 705
Programme Director: Christopher Cripps
Senior Administrator: Rebekah Sage
School of Economics and Finance
Master of Professional Economics: Wednesday 25th 2.45-3.45pm, Railway West Wing 116
Programme Director: Dr Adrian Slack
Senior Administrator: Debbie Turner
Master of Applied Finance: Wednesday 25th 1.30-2.30pm, TBA
Programme Director: Dr Michael Keefe
Senior Administrator: Rachel Zhang
School of Government
Master of Public Policy: Tuesday 24th 3-4.30pm, Rutherford House 819
Programme Director: Dr Verna Smith
Senior Administrator: Darren Morgan
Master of Public Management: Tuesday 24th 3-4.30pm, Rutherford House 819
Programme Director: Dr Verna Smith
Senior Administrator: Darren Morgan
Master of e-Government: Tuesday 24th 3-4.30pm, Rutherford House 819
Programme Director: Dr Verna Smith
Senior Administrator: Darren Morgan
Master of Public Administration (through ANZSOG): I have left this out, due to its unique structure and audience.
School of Information Management
Master of Information Studies: Monday 23rd 1.30-2.30, Rutherford House 422
Programme Director: AProf Gillian Oliver
Senior Administrator: Chris King
Master of Information Management: Tuesday 24th 10.30-11.30am, Rutherford House 430
Programme Director: Dr Jocelyn Cranefield
Senior Administrator: Usha Varatharaju
Master of Professional Business Analysis: Thursday 26th 11.30am-12.30pm Rutherford House 518
Programme Director: Dr Jean-Gregoire Bernard
Senior Administrator: Kim Hann
Director, ICT Graduate School: Rees Ward
Administrator, ICT Graduate School: Kim Hann
School of Management
Master of Business Administration: Thursday 19th May, 10.30-11.30, Rutherford House 1005
Programme Director: Dr Arun Elias
Senior Administrator: Nicky McInnes
New web pages for your professional programmes: Next steps
Hello and thank you for meeting with the WIP team. We now have a better idea on how we can progress the drafting of content and development of the code to deliver to you new web pages for your professional programme(s).
As part of the ‘next-steps’, I have attached two documents for you to consider:
- MSWord document named after the Master’s degree: Please check and correct as required. This will become a reference document for both the summary information for the programme(s) (wherever we display this) and the requirements tab. I would like this back to me by Friday 3rd June.
- Brief for stories about people: Contains guidelines for the stories we hope that you will gather for us, whether these be for current students, graduates or staff. These fall in to one of two groups:
- Existing stories you want us to reuse, whether they are on the web or in print: I would like the list and location of these back to me by Friday 3rd June.
- People requiring new stories, where you provide us the rough draft and we write them. I would like these back to me by Friday 10th June.
The dates are ambitious, If we are to have these web pages live and launched by 1 August then we have to push. If you will have difficulty meeting these dates please let me know and suggest an alternative.
And I am happy to work with you in person, by email or on the phone.
Thanks in advance,