- Associate Dean: Marc Wilson
- Faculty Manager: Johan Barnard
- Writer: ???
- http://www.victoria.ac.nz/science/study/postgraduate/bsc-hons
Calendar pages: 345-357
- GatherContent: ???
- JIRA ticket: ???
- v1: Initial draft
Qualifications covered
- Bachelor of Science with Honours
Relationship between qualifications
- tba
Name: Bachelor of Science with Honours
Abbreviation: BSc(Hons)
Duration: 2 trimesters
Duration details: 2 trimesters of full-time study or normally 4 if studied part-time
Schedule: Lectures
Intensity: Part time and full time
Type: Coursework
Study at: On-campus (Kelburn, Wellington)
Complete: 120 points (approximately 7 courses)
Entry: Bachelor of Science with a B+ average
Start: Trimester 1 or 2
Apply by: Standard trimester dates
Costs: From database for international only at this stage
Impact of previous university study in same subject: Requires
Entry requirements
To be accepted into this programme you'll need:
- A Bachelor's degree with at least a B+ average
- To have met the prerequisites for the subject you wish to study (see subject section below) and
- Acceptance by the relevant Head of the School as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study.
Programme requirements
For this programme you’ll need to:
- Complete at least 120 points from (mostly) 400- and 500-level courses.
Subject requirements
In addition to the programme requirements, for this subject you’ll need to:
Have previously completed:
- BTEC 301
- TECH 302
- Further courses worth 35 points from:
- BIOL 334-354
- BMSC 301
- BMSC 334-354
- Either CHEM 305 or CHEM 306
Complete three courses:
- BTEC 435
- BTEC 489
- One further course from BTEC 400-479
Complete further courses worth 60 points from:
- BTEC 400-479
- BIOL 400-480
- CHEM 400-480
- MBIO 400-480
Cell and Molecular Bioscience
Have previously completed:
- BIOL 340
- BMSC 339
- Further courses worth 40 points from:
- BMSC 301
- BIOL 329-354
- BMSC 329-354
Complete CBIO 489 and
- Further courses worth 90 points from BIOL 430-440.
Have previously completed nine courses:
- CHEM 201
- CHEM 202
- CHEM 203
- CHEM 205
- CHEM 206
- Four further courses from CHEM 300-399.
Complete seven courses:
- CHEM 480
- CHEM 489
- Five further approved courses from CHEM 400-441
Computer Graphics
Have previously completed five courses:
- COMP 308
- MDDN 311
- Three further courses from:
- COMP 300-399
- NWEN 300-399
- SWEN 300-399
Complete four courses:
- CGRA 408
- CGRA 409
- CGRA 489
- Either MMDN 401 or MMDN 442
Complete further courses worth 30 points from:
- CGRA 400-479
- COMP 400-479
- MMDN 400-479
- SWEN 400-479
Computer Science
Have previously completed four courses:
- COMP 300-399
- NWEN 300-399
- SWEN 300-399
Complete COMP 489 and further courses worth 90 points from:
- COMP 400-489
- SWEN 400-489
- NWEN 400-489
Conservation Biology
Have previously completed approved courses worth 60 points from:
- BIOL 300-399
- STAT 193
Complete for courses:
- CONB 489
- BIOL 420
- Two further courses from:
- BIOL 403
- BIOL 422
- BIOL 423
- BIOL 424
Ecology and Biodiversity
Have previously completed STAT 193 and
- Approved courses worth 60 points from BIOL 300-399
Complete three courses:
- EBIO 489
- BIOL 403
- BIOL 422
Complete courses worth 30 points from:
- BIOL 400-440
- BIOL 519
- ERES 525
- ERES 526
- ERES 527
- Other courses approved by the Head of School
Electronic and Computer Systems
Have previously completed approved 300-level or higher courses worth 60 points from:
- Courses listed for the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours
- PHYS 300-399
Complete ELCO 489 and approved courses worth 60 points from:
- ECEN 400-479
- ENGR 440
Complete further approved courses worth 30 points from
- ECEN 400-499
- ENGR 400-499
- COMP 400-499
- NWEN 400-499
- SWEN 400-499
Have previously completed approved courses worth 60 points from GEOG 300-399
Complete GEOG 489 and further courses worth 120 points from:
- GEOG 400-489
- PHYG 400-488
Have previously completed
- ESCI 341
- ESCI 342
- Further courses worth 60 points from ESCI 300-399
Complete GEOGL 489 and courses worth 90 points from:
- ESCI 400-488
- PGEO 401
Have previously completed approved courses worth 60 points from:
- ESCI 300-399
- GPHS 300-399
- MATH 300-399
- PHYS 300-399
Complete GPHS 489 and courses worth 90 points from:
- ESCI 407
- ESCI 411
- GPHS 400-488
- MATH 461
- PGEO 401
- Approved courses listed for the BSc(Hons)
Marine Biology
Have previously completed STAT 193 and
- Approved courses worth 60 points from BIOL 300-399.
Complete three courses:
- BIOL 422
- BIOL 423
- BMAR 489
Complete further courses worth 30 points from:
- BIOL 403
- BIOL 410
- BIOL 416
- BIOL 417
- BIOL 420
- BIOL 421
- BIOL 425
- BIOL 426
- BIOL 519
Have previously completed four approved courses from MATH 300-399.
Complete approved courses worth 120 points from MATH 400-489.
Molecular Microbiology
Have previously completed four courses:
- BIOL 340
- BMSC 301
- BTEC 201
- One course from:
- BIOL 236
- BMSC 334
- BTEC 301
Complete three courses:
- BIOL 430
- MBIO 434
- MBIO 489
Complete further courses worth 60 points from:
- BIOL 400-439
- BIOL 489
- BMSC 401
- MBIO 440
Physical Geography
Have previously completed
- Either GEOG 318 or GEOG 319
- GEOG 323
- Further approved 300-level courses worth 20 points from courses listed for the BSc
Complete PHYG 489 and courses worth 90 points from:
- PHYG 400-488
Have previously four courses:
- PHYS 304
- PHYS 305
- PHYS 307
- PHYS 309
Complete PHYS 490 and PHYS 491
Complete approved courses worth 90 points from PHYS 400-488
Have previously completed:
- PSYC 232
- Further 200-level PSYC courses worth at least 45 points
- PSYC 325
- 300-level PSYC courses worth at least 45 points
Complete PSYC 489 and
- Approved courses worth 90 points from PSYC 400-488
Have previously completed courses worth 45 points from:
- MATH 353
- MATH 377
- OPRE 300-399
- STAT 300-391
- STAT 393-399
Complete approved courses worth 120 points from:
- OPRE 400-489
- STAT 400-489
- STOR 400-489
- Other courses approved by the Head of School
- Are there any 400-level courses in OPRE or STOR? If not, may I delete this part of the requirement? Applies to many other places.
Find out more
- If you want to enrol in this programme but don't meet some the entry requirements you should contact the Programme Director or Administrator to discuss your options.
- The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of programme and course information.
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