Here's how to turn this
MMBA 531-599
into this:
in the requirements pages for degrees and programmes.
E.g. "Complete two further courses from MMBA 531-599." in the MBA.
Edit the metadata value HeadingOverride. This should already contain the name of the asset, with any course codes converted to html links.
Make sure that when you're editing this metadata field that the Format in the WYSIWYG menu is set to DIV.
Now change the course code and range into a link, either by selecting it and creating a link using the wysiwyg interface, or by editing the code manually.
The link should look like this:
With the values CODE, NUM1 and NUM2 replaced with the appropriate values.
For example, MMBA 531-599 would become
The html code looks like this:
<a href="">MMBA 531-599</a>