Information to help us decide how we'll handle HTML titles and meta descriptions for postgraduate pages.
Note: These are only needed on the About tab
Existing guidance
Web team training guidance
WIP guidance
Proposed approach
HTML title
Recommended length: 55-60 characters (longer than 55 makes it more likely Google will chop off the end in search results)
We should confirm that we want to keep the same formula we're using for UG. I think this is:
Page title from Gather | Victoria University
e.g. Master of Professional Accounting | Victoria University
Note that this is different to what is done on the current site:
e.g. Master of Professional Accounting (MPA) - School of Accounting and Commercial Law - Victoria University of Wellington
I don't think the school or "of Wellington" is key information users need to see in the search results but the programme code might be useful and is short so won't eat into the character limit much.
Meta description
Based on the existing guidance the meta descriptions should be:
- A clear, concise and unique description of what users will find on the page, showing the key benefit.
- Under 160 characters
The elements the description should have are:
- Key benefit, ideally as direct address/imperative the banner overview should be a good starting point)
- Programme name
- Any key words/synonyms that are commonly used, e.g. MBA for the Master of Business Administration
- Information about the kind of content these pages provide, the tasks they allow users to complete (if there’s room)
Why use these elements?