Staff lists are lists of staff pages in different formats. There are two different kinds of staff listings:
- using [stafflist] and [/stafflist] to generate a list in the new responsive format
- using {begin stafflist} and {end stafflist} to generate a list in the old template format
An example of 1 would be
An example of 2 would be
Type 1
To use this, simply add the following contents:
[stafflist] [/stafflist]
Note, each email address must be on a newline or it will not work.
This will return the contact details and picture of the staff member who has that email address.
This format of stafflist also allows for the values displayed to be overwritten.
{ "Read_More_URL": "", "Name": "", "Job_Title": "", "Organization_Unit": "", "Biography": “”}
If the email address doesn't match anything in the existing database, it will simply be removed and ignored. ensure email addresses and overriding values are spelt correctly.
TODO How are multiple roles handled here?