//Date created | App version | Requested by | URL | Description of change | Checked and correct |
| Jane Young (Unlicensed) | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/information-systems/about | http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/information-systems/about | |
| Gone live |
| 1.5.2 | | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/about?international=true | - David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Add PhD block and map qualification when available. Above the Masters of Professional Business Analysis please.
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| 1.5.2 | JG via Paul |
| - David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Update 'Research topics' statement to have the one link to both 'students and staff', rather than the two we currently have.
If you’re considering research opportunities in Information Systems you can check the research being done by students and staff.
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| 1.5.2 | JG via Paul | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/qualifications | - David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Add a new section to the bottom/end of this page
Qualification Pathways Pathways graphic for BCom(Hons) and Mcom - Attach pdf (emailed to you) to this line of text, ensuring that it says '(pdf, 113 KB)' or similar after the document name, as per our style.
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| 1.5.2 | JG via Paul | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/about | | |
| 1.5.2-2 | Jane Young (Unlicensed) via SIM | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/about | Between International standing and Careers add: Research topics If you’re considering research opportunities in Information Systems you can check the research being done by [students http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sim/research/research-students] and [staff http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sim/research/research-projects]. Paul: Yes, with change to one link (see above) | |
| 1.5.2-2 | Jane Young (Unlicensed) via SIM | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/people | Pouaka Parore Bachelor of Commerce with Honours student in Information Systems All this great experience has helped me land a graduate position at Ernst and Young, which is a career dream come true. | |
| 1.5.0-6 | Gabe | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/qualifications?mode=admin | - Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) First sentnce delete repeated words
Choose which postgraduate qualification in Information Systems best suits best suits you according to your career goals
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| 1.5.0-6 | Gabe | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/about?mode=admin | - Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed)
Careers box Last sentence should read Choose from a variety of organisations ranging from IT consultancy firms and private sector companies to government departments.
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| 1.5.2-1 | | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/people | Image Added
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| 1.5.2-1 | | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/people | Image Added
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| 1.5.2-1 | | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/qualifications?mode=admin | | |
| 1.5.0-6 | Jane Young (Unlicensed) | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/qualifications | - Andrew Bredenkamp Are you able to link the two MCom quals into this page?
- Bachelor of Commerce with Honours
- Masters of Commerce by coursework
- Masters of Commerce by thesis
- Masters of Information Management
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| 1.5.2-1 | Gabe | http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-information-systems/people | - Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) please add a new story after Moses.
Pouaka Parore Bachelor of Commerce with Honours student in Information Systems
Pull quote - All this great experience has helped me land a graduate position at Earnst and Young, which is a career dream come true. For me, Victoria University has been a home away from home. From the family-style environment that my Honours class have established, to the open and supportive staff. My experiences so far at Victoria solidify the idea that I definitely made the right decision to study here. Research and other opportunities
I am currently in my 4th year doing an Honours degree in Information Systems. The research topic I selected, the digital divide, was an extension of the work I had done over the 2015-2016 summer break as a part of the Victoria University Research Scholarship that I was lucky enough to receive.
This year I had the opportunity to conduct research for a government entity that allowed me to apply the various skills that I have learnt. And right now I have a job as a research assistant on a project that is looking at how primary school children are using technology. I have also had the opportunity to have an active role as a Tuakana through the Maori and Pasifika support network ‘Te Putahi Atawhai’.
Dream career
All this great experience has helped me land a graduate position at Earnst and Young, which is a career dream come true.
I admit my Honours year has not always been easy. However, I have found that the support of my partner and family, great friends in my Honours class, and the support I have received from the teaching staff at Victoria has helped me immensely.