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Version and resources







Associate Dean: Robin Averill


Faculty Manager: Noeleen Williamson


Calendar pages: 230-231 and 226-227

Qualifications covered

  • Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary)
  • Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary)

Enrolments are accepted in to either of the two qualifications.

Both are valid alternative pathways to met the academic requirements to be a primary school teacher.

Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary) (MTchLrn(Primary))


Length of study (in trimesters): 3 of full-time study or normally 5 if studied part-time

Can be studied part-time

Starting trimesters: January

Applications due: 10 December

Composition: Coursework and teaching experience

Research component: None

Required contact: During working hours

  • item/3001069
  • JIRA ticket: 
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (


  • v2.3: Updated with learnings from the GDipTchg(ECE)
  • 2.4: 2017 style changes


Name: Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary)

Abbreviation: GDipTchg(Primary)

Duration: 3 trimesters

Duration details: 3 trimesters of full-time study

Schedule: Daytime lectures 

Intensity: Full time only

Type: Coursework and teaching experience

Location: On-campus (Pipitea



  1. How does internship differ from teaching experience? Can I use the later, for consistency? Or are they very different?

Entry requirements

To be accepted into this programme you'll need:

  • A Bachelor's degree at an academic level appropriate for postgraduate study, or an appropriate postgraduate qualification
  • A suitable academic foundation and intellectual ability for teaching all subjects in the curriculum for primary schools
  • To have demonstrated through the assessment exercise the qualities necessary for a satisfactory teacher and
  • Acceptance by the relevant Associate Dean (Students) as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study.

Important information

  • "Admission to teacher education . . ." (GUS, p.78)
  • "The assessment exercise includes a . . ." (GUS, p.78)
  • "If English is not your first . . ." (GUS, p.78)
  • "TeachNZ offers a range of scholarships for . . ." (GUS, p.78)


  1. All my supplementary information comes from the BEd(Tchg)EC. Are they also applicable here?
  2. Where do we handle the courses that are suggested to include during the UG degree? Here or in the next section?

Programme requirements

Complete at least 180 points.

Complete ten courses:

  • TCHG 501
  • TCHG 502
  • TCHG 503
  • TCHG 504
  • TCHG 520
  • TCHG 521
  • TCHG 522
  • TCHG 523
  • TCHG 544
  • TCHG 525.

Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary) (GDipTchg(Primary))


Length of study (in trimesters): 3 of full-time study or normally 5 if studied part-time

Can be studied part-time

Starting trimesters: January

Applications due: 10 December

Composition: Coursework and teaching experience

Research component: None

Required contact: During working hours

Location: On-campus (Pipitea) and in schools, or online and in schools


  1. When are the required contact hours? Is it the same for each mode? 

, Wellington) and online

Complete: 155 points (8 courses)

Entry: Bachelor's degree. Limited entry.

Start: 24 January 2017

Apply by: 10 December

Costs: From database for international only at this stage

Impact of previous university study in same subject: None

Entry requirements

To be accepted into this programme you'll need:

A Bachelor's degree



meet the requirements of the Good Character and Fit to be a Teacher Policy of the New Zealand Teachers Council[]

Acceptance by the


associate dean (students) as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study

If English isn't your first language, you must gain a band score of 7.0 or better in each component of the academic IELTS test before you begin the programme.

Important information

  • "Admission to teacher education . . ." (GUS, p.78)
  • "The assessment exercise includes a . . ." (GUS, p.78)
  • "If English is not your first . . ." (GUS, p.78)
  • "TeachNZ offers a range of scholarships for . . ." (GUS, p.78)


  1. How come that there isn't an entry criteria "A suitable academic foundation and intellectual ability for teaching all subjects in the curriculum for primary schools"?
  2. All my supplementary information comes from the BEd(Tchg)EC. Are they also applicable here?
  3. Where do we handle the courses that are suggested to include during the UG degree? Here or in the next section?

Programme requirements

Complete at least 155 points.

  • Meeting the requirements of the Good Character and Fit to be a Teacher Policy of the New Zealand Teachers Council involves contacting referees, declarations about criminal convictions and health and disability issues and an exercise to assess your interpersonal skills.
  • The selection meeting includes a literacy and numeracy test and an interview that evaluates your skills in listening, oral communication, how you interact with others and your views about teaching and education.
  • Find out more about the admission requirements.
  • The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of programme and course information.

Qualification requirements

Complete 155 points

Include eight courses:

  • TCHG 301
  • TCHG 302
  • TCHG 303
  • TCHG 304
  • TCHG 320
  • TCHG 321
  • TCHG 322
  • TCHG 323
