Head shots need to be at least 500x500 pixels. Save them in the project folders folder in the M drive so the loaders can find them.
Staff photos - the
The best place to look to see if we have them already is by searching in the Project Folder area (using the overall search box).
If they are not there - it's not there, pull up their staff profile and check the size of the picture. (Right click on it , Open image in new tab, and if necessary, right click and 'inspect' it
If it's too small, send a list of who you want to Jane so she can ask Image Services (or ask Kerie yourself)
Student photos
Search the Vic website, although you're not that likely to find it
Photos that appear in Marketing publications - ask Jane to ask Marketing
Photos (and stories) that appear in Careerview - need special permission - send them to Jane
Photos that are online but too small, or when there are no photos, you need to go back to the SME and ask for one or a bigger version of an existing one