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09 Aug Jane Young needed for Education
  • Dr Bronwyn Wood
  • 6
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    1.5.02-61Jane Young Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)
    Jane Young (Unlicensed)
    • Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) change opening statement to read:Find out what it’s like to study Education at Victoria from a student, a graduate and a lecturer.


    1.5.2-1Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)
    •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Please move the lonely sentence above the quote and jion it on to the end oif the first paragraph:This subject goes beyond the classroom. It's about the big picture—the place of education in our society, worldwide theories of education and how the desire to learn can be kindled in every person. Explore the philosophies and politics at work in New Zealand's education system, and compare these to others around the world.


    1.5.0-6Sam Motion (Unlicensed)
    • for the following people in the project folder
    • Hine Rangi Marie Funaki 
    • Sera Tokakece

    Image AddedImage Added



    1.5.1Jane Young (Unlicensed)

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    1.5.1Jane Young (Unlicensed)

    Image Added



    1.5.0-6Jane Young (Unlicensed)


    •  Andrew Bredenkamp (waiting for response) At smaller screen sizes the 'subjects' heading breaks up the intro paragraphs.

     It should sit underneath the sentence beginning 'Explore the philosophies..." 

    •  Sam Motion (Unlicensed) I'm not sure I can tell what the issue is. Can you please screenshot it for me? Unless it has already been resolved...


    1.5.0-6Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)


    •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) please remove all Questions on the pages that are styled in the 'fun fact' style.

      Consider this:
      how do individuals from various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds engage with education environments?

      What do you think
      —how well is Te reo Māori being used in our education system?

      What is the role of history in citizenship education?

      Put yourself in a student's shoes:
      what makes a great learning environment?

    Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed)

    'Why Wellington', make everything from 'It's also a wonderful place' a new paragraph.Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed)


    Sam Motion (Unlicensed)

    "While it doesn't qualify you to be a teacher, it gives you valuable insights into education and helps prepare you for graduate level Teacher Education study."


 the 'How well is te reo' fun fact, the 'a' in Maori needs a macron: Māori.


    Sam Motion (Unlicensed)

    Under 'After you graduate', in the sentence "search careers in education on CareersNZ"

    'education' needs a capital 'E'.




    Sam Motion (Unlicensed)

    In the below sentence, remove the comma between 'education' and 'and'.

    "While it doesn't qualify you to be a teacher, it gives you valuable insights into education, and helps prepare you for graduate level Teacher Education study."



    Sam Motion (Unlicensed) and


    Changes to fun facts. Additions in bold:


    Consider this: how do individuals from various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds engage with education environments?

    What do you thinkhow well isTereo Maori being used in our education system?


    What is the role of history in citizenship education?

    Put yourself in a student's shoes: what makes a great learning environment?

    Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed)
