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23 Jun 44peopleJane Young people23 Jun Jane Young Need to turn off advertisements/suggested videos at the end of the antarctic video.23 Jun 44about789
Date createdApp versionRequested byURLDescription of change

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Checked and correct


1.6.1Joe via Paul



Gone Live



Change the first line on the peoples page to read.

Find out what it’s like to study Science in Society at Victoria from a lecturer.



  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Please create a new content block just above Example course that will have a temporary life (only until the FoS site has a page to covey this information better).

    Name it 'Science in Context minor requirements' with the following content

    "You can study Science in Context as a minor in most undergraduate degrees by completing:
    • SCIE 311
    • Further courses worth 45 points from:
      • SCIE 201
      • SCIE 211
      • SCIE 212
      • SCIE 302
      • SCIE 310
      • SCIE 312
      • ESCI 201
      • CREW 352
      • Other approved 200- or 300-level courses"

Please ensure the courses have names and link to the 2017 outlines.

Ask me if there are issues.



1.5.2-2Sam Motion (Unlicensed) up on student story Bronte Ammundsdenabout

Current metadata doesn't represent the subject specifically, suggest change to below:

Gain insight into the scientific world and how science is communicated and perceived. Study Science in Society courses at Victoria University of Wellington.


23 Jun  

1.45.4Jane Young 2-2Alida Steemson (Unlicensed) Priestly image is in project folder
Tymara Oberdries
  • In my research and teaching, I enjoy forging relationships and connections between science and other disciplines, including the arts and humanities. 



1.45.42-2Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)

Need to add over image to video - currently is blank except for heading block


  •  Shenbo Xuan (Unlicensed) Add this quote to sit under the overview:
    Science is an integral part of society and our courses show students that it does not exist, and cannot operate, in isolation from this wider disciplinary and societal context.

    Rebecca Priestley
    Senior lecturer





1.5.0-2 video title to 'Reuse, reduce, recycle'



Add comma between New Zealand and Antarctic


Rebecca Priestley is an award winning science writer and historian with a research focus on New Zealand, Antarctic and nuclear science in the twentieth century. She has a background in earth sciences, the history and philosophy of science, and more than 20 years' experience in science communication.




In the 'After you graduate' crown research institute should be lowercase.

Work as a policy analyst or researcher at a government agency, a non-government organisation (NGO) or at a crown research institute like GNS Science or NIWA.


Please update Rebecca's profile shot to be one of the new ones in the project folder

Image AddedImage Added



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

The video cover image is showing as broken.

Jane Young (Unlicensed), The image should be showing up now although I did have to refresh it twice to view it.




Under Rebecca's story please add the following video. With the title 'Reuse, repair, recycle'. Take the clip from the opening shot - approx 0:08

Widget Connector



1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed) to remove course listing and replace it with new solution (which will come above the example courses (see next line))


1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Change the first line on the peoples page to read.

Find out what it’s like to study Science in Society at Victoria from a lecturer.



1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed)Andrew Bredenkamp Priestly image is in project folder


1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Need to add over image to video - currently is blank except for heading block



1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed)

In the 'After you graduate' crown research institute should be lowercase.

Work as a policy analyst or researcher at a government agency, a non-government organisation (NGO) or at a crown research institute like GNS Science or NIWA.



1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Please add in the following Example Courses

SCIE 101

SCIE 212

SCIE 211

SCIE 312

SCIE 302

SCIE 311




1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Banner image is in project folder

Andrew Bredenkamp



1.4.4Jane Young (Unlicensed) remove video from Rebecca Priestly's story