Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page contains details of changes needed to support the go-live of PG subject and/or PG programme pages to production. The table below covers:

  • any changes to the existing navigation pages on Faculty, School and homesite pages
  • redirects need for the Faculty, School and homesite pages which are being retired
  • details of the content existing pages contained that is not (fully) covered on the new pages

JIRA tickets 

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (


  •  Ask if Stout Centre want to link to new PG subject page. If so, assign writer to work on content.

Do we want standard text for the block that will link to a PG subject? If so, has it been written?

Alternatively, we could use the PG subject page introduction or metadata description.
Degree or subjectExisting pageActionsContent not (fully) covered on new/replacement pages: With comment as to coverageNew Zealand Studies

Faculty site: Qual based or links to school, so already covered

Stout Centre sites: 'Qual then subject' based, so already covered

Home site: Qual based, so already covered

International: Qual based, so already covered

  •  No PG subject page, rather an enhanced study area (see below).
  •  Modify centre site to link to new PG subject page if required (see right)
Corrections table

See above

Paul Seiler (Unlicensed)

  •  Check that all (essential) changes have been made.
  •  Check that all applicable qualifications are listed
  • MA 120 points
  • PhD
Study area

  •  Check that the new PG subject page can be accessed from a link under a heading 'Postgraduate Programmes', sitting below 'Example courses' and 'Graduate Qualifications' (if applicable). Button to be called 'Postgraduate New Zealand Studies'.

Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed)


Additional post-launch checksN/a

Paul Seiler (Unlicensed)

  •  Add page to Qualtics survey.
  •  Inform SMEs and Charlotte.
  •  Check international content. Inform Charles and Mariko.