Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

52-Paul Seiler (Unlicensed)Tymara Oberdries Please update BA requirements as follows:
  •  Political Science subject requirements:
  • Complete two courses from POLS 100-199
  • Complete two courses from POLS 200-299
  • Complete two courses at 300 level:
    • One course from POLS 300-399
    • One further course from:
      • POLS 300-399
      • INTP 300-399
      • MAOR 316
      • PHIL 303
      • PUBL 304
      • HIST 336
  • Complete one further course from:
    • POLS 200-399
    • INTP 200-399
    • HIST 249
    • HIST 336
    • PHIL 264
    • PHIL 303
    • PUBL 304

Important information

If you're planning to do a double major in Political Science (POLS) and International Relations (INTP), you must complete at least 12 POLS and INTP courses. This normally includes three POLS or INTP courses at 100 level (including INTP 113), two POLS and two INTP courses at 200 level and one POLS and one INTP course at 300-level and two further courses from POLS or INTP or HIST 321, HIST 326MAOR 316, PHIL 303 and PUBL 304.

  •  Music subject requirements:
  • Complete three courses at 100 level:
    • MUSC 160
    • One course from MUSC 105-159
    • One further course from:
      • MUSC 100-199
      • CMPO 100-199
      • PERF 151
  • Complete two courses at 200 level:
    • One course from MUSC 200-259
    • One further course from:
      • MUSC 200-299
      • CMPO 210-299
  • Complete two courses at 300 level:
    • One course from MUSC 300-359
    • One further course from:
      • MUSC 300-399
      • CMPO 310-399
      • PERF 350-352
  • Complete at least one further course from the 200 and 300-level courses listed above
http://www. Minor edits:
  •  Pacific Studies: Extra 's' on courses in 'Complete one courses in Samoan, Māori or French language.' Remove full stop also.
  •  Might want to remove all non-required full stops from end of requirements. Ask me if you need more information.
Date createdApp versionRequested byURLDescription of change

Checked and correct


1.7.1Alida via many people to Paul
  •  1
  •  2
  •  3



Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Inline tooltips are assigned incorrectly:
Image Removed



  • Second subject requirement for English Literature should be

    Three courses at 200 level:



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Refined all the requirements (see Bachelor of Arts (BA)) ready for reloading and remapping to 2018 outlines. Use safe edit and let me check before removing flag and publishing on www. And ask me if in doubt about anything.


1.5.2Julia via ITS, Natasha, Jane and Paul

Asian Studies

  • Complete the following courses at 100 level:
    • ASIA 101
    • Further courses worth 20 points from:
      • ANTH 101
      • ANTH 102
      • CHIN 101
      • CHIN 102
      • CHIN 112
      • FHSS 110
      • GEOG 112
      • INTP 113
      • JAPA 111
      • JAPA 112
      • JAPA 113
      • MUSC 150
      • RELI 108
  • Complete the following courses at 200 level:
    • ASIA 201
    • Further courses worth 20 points from:
      • ASIA 202

      • ASIA 203

      • ASIA 204

      • ASIA 208

      • CHIN 211 

      • CHIN 212 

      • CHIN 213 

      • FHSS 210 

      • GEOG 212 

      • IBUS 201 

      • JAPA 204 

      • JAPA 205 

      • JAPA 213 

      • POLS 203 

      • POLS 208 

      • RELI 229
      • RELI 231
  • Complete the following courses at 300 level:
    • ASIA 301
    • Further courses worth 20 points from:
      • ASIA 302

      • ASIA 303

      • ASIA 304

      • CHIN 311 

      • CHIN 312 

      • CHIN 313 

      • CHIN 314 

      • FHSS 310 

      • GEOG 312 *

      • GEOG 316 *

      • GEOG 320

      • HIST 310 

      • INTP 301

      • INTP 352

      • INTP 370 

      • INTP 378 

      • JAPA 304 

      • JAPA 305 

      • JAPA 322 

      • MARK 302 

      • MARK 319

      • POLS 378 

      • RELI 336
      • RELI 337
      • RELI 338


1.5.2Jane Young (Unlicensed) via Julia Walton




Jane Young (Unlicensed) via Katherine Edmond
  •  Jane Young (Unlicensed) need to double-check new QS ranking information in September and update this content.  


  •  Jane Young (Unlicensed) RELI is changing so they would like a note on transitional messages - I have asked Kristina for the wording they would like

Not ready to assign to anyone.

  • please urgently remove FILM 304 as accepted an course for Asian Studies major,



Explore Victoria University of Wellington's highly regarded Bachelor of Arts degree. Study your passion and gain career skills in New Zealand's capital city.



1.5.2Kristina via Paul
  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) New bullet for Important information under certain major sections, as the first bullet please.
    •  Music: Add 'If you were enrolled in the Music major prior to 2017 should refer to the 2016 Calendar for the subject requirements or contact your Student Adviser.'
    •  Political Science: 'If you were enrolled in the Political Science major prior to 2017 should refer to the 2016 Calendar for the subject requirements or contact your Student Adviser.'
    •  International Relations: Two new bullets
  • 'If you were enrolled in the Political Science major prior to 2017 should refer to the 2016 Calendar for the subject requirements or contact your Student Adviser.

  • In 2017, you may satisfy the requirement for one course from POLS 100–199 by taking the new course INTP 115.'
  •  Link INTP 115 to outline
  •  1
  •  2
  •  3
  •  4
  •  5


  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Can you please move the section called "Get a Bachelor with Honours" to the very bottom of the page and change the heading to:Continue your studies



Important Information





  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Minor edits:
    •  Pacific Studies: Extra 's' on courses in 'Complete one courses in Samoan, Māori or French language.' Remove full stop also.
  •   1
  •  2



Image Added

  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) please change the 100 level, 200 level, and 300 level tooltips to 100-level, 200-level and 300-level. I believe they are only in International Relations


  • Complete two courses from POLS 100-199
  • Complete two courses from POLS 200-299
  • Complete two courses at 300 level:
    • One course from POLS 300-399
    • One further course from:
      • POLS 300-399
      • INTP 300-399
      • MAOR 316
      • PHIL 303
      • PUBL 304
      • HIST 336
  • Complete one further course from:
    • POLS 200-399
    • INTP 200-399
    • HIST 249
    • HIST 336
    • PHIL 264
    • PHIL 303
    • PUBL 304

Important information

If you're planning to do a double major in Political Science (POLS) and International Relations (INTP), you must complete at least 12 POLS and INTP courses. This normally includes three POLS or INTP courses at 100 level (including INTP 113), two POLS and two INTP courses at 200 level and one POLS and one INTP course at 300-level and two further courses from POLS or INTP or HIST 321, HIST 326MAOR 316, PHIL 303 and PUBL 304.

  •  Music subject requirements:
  • Complete three courses at 100 level:
    • MUSC 160
    • One course from MUSC 105-159
    • One further course from:
      • MUSC 100-199
      • CMPO 100-199
      • PERF 151
  • Complete two courses at 200 level:
    • One course from MUSC 200-259
    • One further course from:
      • MUSC 200-299
      • CMPO 210-299
  • Complete two courses at 300 level:
    • One course from MUSC 300-359
    • One further course from:
      • MUSC 300-399
      • CMPO 310-399
      • PERF 350-352
  • Complete at least one further course from the 200 and 300-level courses listed above
  •  1
  •  2
  •  3


1.5.2-1Jane Young (Unlicensed)
  •  Andrew Bredenkamp Please open the major selector in the 'Select your major' section. 'Samoan Studies/Matāupu tau Samoa' sits at the bottom of the list under a heading Available Majors. However, it should be in the Part A list and the 'Available majors heading deleted all together.
  •  Joe Lobotka (Unlicensed) Might be an 'in app' change.


  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) In 'Skills for life' please change the semi-colon to a comma 'The ability to read and write with sophistication is not only personally fulfilling; it’s of value in almost any professional field."



Not 300 level as it currently does.


Gone live


1.5.0-6Jane Young (Unlicensed)


1.5.0-6Jane Young (Unlicensed)
  •  Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Please change the cover for Hagen Neumegen's video to the still of him with the tapa cloth in the background. This image will be somewhere in Squiz already. It is used on this page in the banner


Please change the bullet under 'Select your majors' to


Please move Alex's video down the page to sit below the Writing Excellence section. Replace her still with this one if possible

Replace her vacated spot with the original video:

[Video —Hagen Neumegen]

[title] Creating social change

[Cover shot 00.52+ or 00.57]




Development Studies

  • Under subject-based 100-level courses: PUBL 113 should be double listed with SPOL 113 (Confluence now correct)
  • Under 200-level subject-based courses: Heading (in black) should finish with a colon but a full stop.



Development Studies




English Literature

Complete two courses from ENGL 100-199.

Complete three courses at 300 level:

    • Two courses from ENGL 200-299
    • One further course from:
      • ENGL 200-299
      • CREW 200-299
      • THEA 205
      • THEA 211

Complete three courses at 300 level:

    • One course from ENGL 300-329
    • Two further courses from:
      • ENGL 300-399
      • THEA 305



Asian Studies

Add the following courses to the top of the 200-level subject requirements (see Confluence if you need guidance)

  • ASIA 202

  • ASIA 203

  • ASIA 204

  • ASIA 208

Add the following courses to the top of the 300-level subject requirements

  • ASIA 302

  • ASIA 303

  • ASIA 304

And add further down the 300-level subject requirement, with an asterix to tie in with bulleted important information for the major

  • FILM 304 *




Public Policy

  • Under subject-based 100-level courses: PUBL 113 should be double listed with SPOL 113 (Confluence now correct)



Te reo Māori

Change first bullet to read "If you are doing this major you can include the complementary course Reading the World: Languages and Cultures in Context as part of your elective allowance.




Degree requirements

  •  Andrew Bredenkamp I have inserted a new requirement, showing below the one above and below for reference. Discuss wqith me if not clear
  • Of the 180 points at least 75 points must be at 300 level.
    • Of the 75 points up to 15 may come from courses listed for another degree when they are taken to satisfy the requirements of an additional major subject from another degree
  • Of the 180 points at least 75 must be from courses listed for the BA.



Samoan Studies

Change first bullet to read "If you are doing this major you can include the complementary course Reading the World: Languages and Cultures in Context as part of your elective allowance.




Pacific Studies




Education and Psychology

Delete second bullet that says "

  • You can’t take a double major in Education and Psychology and Psychology, or in Education and Psychology and Education."



Classical Studies, Important information

Two changes are required. CHange to direct address and removing the (unlinked) course codes. The new content should be




Under Art History - the first bullet bullet point should read:




The following bullet is under each subject requirements block and shouldn't be, as a new and improved version is already there once on the page under the degree requirements.

"The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of programme and course information. If you have any questions talk to a liaison officer."




Delete 4th bullet of Important information under degree requirements. It currently reads

  • If you want to study a major that is not listed in either Part A or Part B in the major selector below, you should speak to a Liaison Officer to develop a plan. If you’re already a student here, contact a student adviser." and is covered elsewhere on the page.



Subject name change: Samoan Studies / Fa'asamoa becomes Samoan Studies / Matāupu tau Samoa

  •  Andrew Bredenkamp I am recording this request here as a heads up, but have created a task, as it touches on many places. See WIP-1620




'Get a Bachelor of Honours' block

Change heading to 'Get a Bachelor with Honours'

Change url of button to




Title: Learning for success

Still: 0:22 will need to be flipped




Please add a new block after the BA internships quote.

Writing excellence

You can improve your writing and research skills with specialty courses in academic and professional writing.

Knowing how to write well will help you collect, formulate and communicate your ideas effectively. Develop and enhance the writing skills you need to succeed at university and in your job.

Take courses in generating, drafting and revising your writing for a range of purposes—like essays, articles and reports.

All writing courses you take will count towards any undergraduate degree. There are two [100-level] courses and three [200-level] courses available to study. You'll find these courses particularly useful if you plan to carry on your academic studies to postgraduate level.

Find out more[Link to page showing courses]




1.5.0-5Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)

Delete repaeted sentence:

Gain skills valuable in any workplace—studying for a BA develops your creativity, flexibility and imagination, and teaches you how to think critically and present an argument. You'll also develop research skills and learn to communicate complex ideas in both speech and writing. You'll also develop research skills and learn to communicate complex ideas in both speech and writing. At Victoria you'll be encouraged to think about how what you learn can contribute to a progressive, inclusive and internationally connected society.


please change the Important Skills back to one para and change as below (again sorry!)

You'll also develop research skills and learn to communicate complex ideas in both speech and writing. At Victoria you'll have co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities that complement the academic knowledge you gain. you'll be encouraged to think about how what you learn can contribute to a progressive, inclusive and internationally connected society.



1.5.0-3Jane Young (Unlicensed)

In the Writing Excellence block please change will to can

All writing courses you take can count towards any undergraduate degree. There are two [100-level] courses and three [200-level] courses available to study. You'll find these courses particularly useful if you plan to carry on your academic studies to postgraduate level.




Under latin important information update the following requirement as it is missing a word

  • If you are approved to start at 200 level, you'll need to take two further courses from LATI 300–399.



1.5.0-2Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)

delete the word full

  • You can do a BA double major by completing the full major requirements for two subjects. Your degree certificate will say ‘Bachelor of Arts in X and Y’.



Should the heading for 'Samoan Studies / Fa'asamoa' just read 'Samoan studies'

Paul: No, this is the official name. A change proposal is up for approval but we will update the name after they have it approved.



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

English literature intro is missing:

Study literature in English from all around the world, including New Zealand, the Pacific, America and India. Explore literature from the Middle Ages to the 21st century and discover different literary categories, like writing for children. You’ll learn to interpret literary texts and to express your understanding effectively. Explore different genres and find out how a work relates to its time, place and readers.




Select your majors: Second bullet should read

If the subject you wish to study is not listed please contact a liaison officer or a student adviser if you are already a student here.




Important information:

Please delete the 4th bullet

Last bullet should be split into two and read

  • The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of information on programme details and requirements.
  • If you have any questions talk to a liaison officer. If you’re already a student here contact a student adviser.

Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) please make sure the urls linked to are sensible for the degree in question.




First BA degree requirement now reads

Complete at least 360 points, of which:

  • At least 240 points must be from courses listed for the BA,
  • A maximum of 180 points at 100 level and
  • At least 180 points must be at 200 and 300 level.
    • Of the 180 points at least 75points must be at 300 level.
    • Of the 180 points at least 75 must be from courses listed for the BA.

As recorded at Bachelor of Arts (BA)




Under Teaching English to Speakers of Other Langagues (TESOL) the words 'further study to work as a language teacher' should have an inline link to Linkto:




Under Te Reo Maori important infomation the first two bullet points should read:

  • If you have the appropriate NCEA level 3 standards then you won't need to do MAOR 101 and MAOR 102.
  • If you're doing this major you can include the complementary course Reading the World: Languages and Cultures in Context [FHSS 110 linkto]



Under Spanish important information the first two bullet points should read:




Samoan studies important information the first bullet point should read:




Under Pacific Studies the first bullet point should read:




Under Music important information the words 'Grade V Theory (or equivalent' in the first bullet point should link to: Linkto:

Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) Please change the sentence wording to be 'If you have achieved Grade V Theory (or equivalent), or you can demonstrate sufficient knowledge of music theory through a placement examination, you can replace MUSC 160 with another course from MUSC 100-199."

You have the correct link but should be from the words 'Grade V Theory (or equivalent)'




Under Modern Language important informaiton the second bullet point should read:



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under Maori studies the first bullet point should read:



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under japanese important information the first bullet point should read:

  • If you have the appropriate NCEA level 3 Japanese standards then you won't need to do JAPA 111 and JAPA 112.


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under German important information the first bullet point should read:

  • If you have the appropriate NCEA level 3 German standards then you won't need to do the courses GERM 103 and GERM 104.


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under French important informaiton the second bullet point should read:



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under film - the bullet point about the approved subject should read:



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Education and psychology major

blurb should read:

Study human development and learning with a focus on psychology. Explore how young people and children learn, and how they develop. Understand how to support children and young people who are experiencing social, emotional or learning difficulties using skills gained in psycho-educational assessment, evaluation, mediation and intervention.

Importantn information - second blurb should have EDUC and PSYC in full:

  • You can’t take a double major in Education and Psychology and Psychology, or in Education and Psychology and Education.


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Important information under Development Studies

  • If you are interested in development research practice then it’s strongly recommended you do GEOG 324 and GEOG 325. However if you're doing Development Studies as a double major with Geography or Physical Geography, these courses are required for those majors so cannot be counted as part of the Development Studies major.

Jane Young (Unlicensed) we only show name and link when the course is not listed in the requirements, so I have corrected the wording and assign to Tymara.



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Cultural Anthropology is missing its important information block:

Important information



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under important information for Classical Studies should the names be links and the codes not showing (this is how it looks for Asian Studies and Chinese).

  • One 100-level CLAS course may be replaced by one of Introduction to Latin (LATI 103), Latin Literature and Language LATI 213, or Introduction to Greek GREE 112.

Links should be automatic but for this year are




Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under important information for Art History - reword the first bullet point to

'You will need to get approval from the Head of School at make a course substitution.




Psychology blurb should be changed to read:

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind —how we process information and what drives our behaviour. Gain insights into why people think, act and feel the way they do. Examine social behaviour, emotion, personality and motivation, and consider what leads to healthy development and what causes dysfunction. Find out how we become the people we are—looking at the role of culture, experiences, and thinking processes.




The Political science blurb should read:

Study the theories and philosophies at the heart of politics. Examine political ideas including libertarianism, socialism and colonisation. Analyse social movements and the ideas behind them, including in gender equality, religious fundamentalism and environmentalism. Learn about the history, development and structure of New Zealand's political system, and enhance your understanding of the nature of power by comparing political systems from all over the world.



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed) Studies and Maori Resource Management are out of alphabetical order


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

the international Relations blurb should read:

Examine the political motivations at the heart of the world's current events. Explore a wide range of issues including questions of war and peace, human rights, globalisation and the distribution of wealth and poverty around the world, and the efforts of transnational groups to promote change. You’ll also learn about the histories, theories and philosophies behind the political systems of different nations, from democracies to dictatorships and look at power and policies in specific areas of the world like Japan or Europe.



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Under degree important information:

Fourth bullet point starting 'If you want to study a major ...' should read:

If you want to study a major that is not listed in either Part A or Part B in the major selector below, you should speak to a [linkto:] Liaison Offer to develop a plan. If you’re already a student here, contact a student adviser.



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

The heading 'Get a postgraduate qualification' should read 'Get a Bachelor of Honours'

The button should read 'Explore postgraduate options'

The link should be:



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed) third year heading should be replaced with 'Careers'


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

There is a quote missing between the second and third year blocks. This should be:

The internship enabled me to further develop my research and writing abilities. It was a huge rush to see my work in a published magazine.

Alex Barrow
Bachelor of Arts Internship student



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed) year heading should be replaced with 'BA Internships'


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed) year heading should be replaced with 'Learn from the best'


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

There appears to be two extra bullet points under Important information. These should be removed:

  • You'll need to take the 100-level core courses as well as the 100-level courses required for your chosen major(s).
  • If you don't have 18 credits in Chemistry at NCEA Level 3 (which must include AS91390, AS91391 and AS91392) you'll have to complete CHEM 113 before beginning CHEM 114.


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

Hagen Neumegan video:

  • Cover still is missing - 0:52 or 0:57
  • Title should be 'Creating social change'


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)

The second half of the Important skills paragraph is missing. It should read:

Gain skills valuable in any workplace—studying for a BA develops your creativity, flexibility and imagination, and teaches you how to think critically and present an argument. You'll also develop research skills and learn to communicate complex ideas in both speech and writing. At Victoria you'll have co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities that complement the academic knowledge you gain. You'll be encouraged to think about how what you learn can contribute to a progressive, inclusive and internationally connected society.



1.4.3 sentence on page is actually for the BBmedSc
