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Additional resource

Recruit more writers, could we use any of the marketing staff, potential to use the new web writer (as documented in the change proposal)

Use faculty and school staff – potentially helping sourcing content


  • Recruitment time/cost
  • Introduction/ramp up time
  • Length of contract
  • Impact on budget
  • Will this achieve our desired timeframes or are we still at risk?


  • Overhead for WIP team
  • Required skills available?
Reviewing other options for delivery as priorityUnder review

Collapse topics to reduce time

Look for topics which may have similar content and collapse to reduce the number of topics to develop

Grouping topics for the wrong reason

Paul is currently reviewing this and collapsing topics where possiblePaul addressed this where possible, but topics increased again as a result of the consultation via PVCs
3Alternative sources of contentLook for opportunities to use current content rather than sourcing and drafting from scratchCurrent content may not up to date and suitable for topic pages

Content sources documented and reviewed

Seek use of current content in interim for first releases - delivery approaches under review

Current sources of content seeked where possible i.e. Careers, people and stories, current subject pages. Interview looks to gaps in content.
4Aligning topics and programmes in content developmentWhere topics and their associated programmes will use the same stakeholder group e.g. Law, address these together. This would improve engagement with stakeholders and potentially speed up the process.  

These areas need to be identified and documented for review.

Assumes groupings in faculties

Not currently being addressed as programme wireframe still under development
5Planning wider engagement  - look at a proposal of an order faculties/schools etc.Look at how we can group topic and programmes, and the stakeholder input that will be required. Availability for engagement may be the driver of priorities.  The 'safer' more static subject areas were addressed first
6More media means less writing – what balance is there

Are there opportunities to utilise currently existing new media (e.g. videos) which would reduce the amount of content required?

Are there opportunities to develop new media which would be less than the effort to write content in its place?

  Media currently under discussion - appears that images are limited, and overhead with creating videos
7Prioritise UG topics and programmes firstSmall number of topics which are PG only – could do these last as we wont be tackling PG programmes nowPG would need to follow UG, and could not wait until Phase 3 (PG) as we want to remove the current subject and programme pages, and have a consistent approach across all CSP areas.

Agreed UG is a priority over PG. This however does not reduce the workload.


Interim approach for PG programmes will be picked up by Tash in sprint 23

8Use existing source material

Use recruitment publications (GUS and Faculty handbooks) as the base source material for developing subject and programme pages.

Where more detailed information is needed highlight this and address with school/faculty directly. This will ideally reduce the amount of time surrounding engagement.


Content sources documented and reviewed

Seek use of current content in interim for first releases - delivery approaches under review

See point 3 above
9Review the material required to go-live

Identify the key content required for a "go-live" state (this would be the minimum content required). A base level of information can be agreed, this can then be fleshed out at a later date when work starts on Faculty and school sites, this will also mean the engagement at a detailed level won't need to happen twice.

This approach will benefit faculty and school staff as their "sites" content will be addressed as one chunk.

Need to ensure we do not deliver less that what the current subject and programme pages provideMoSCoW priorities under review - noted in content sources and below in option 12 for an incremental release.See point 12
10Look to combine topics/subjects

Look for areas in subjects and topics where there is considerable overlap. Such as Classics, Greek and Latin or Political Science and Industrial Relations could be combined into one page as they are currently. Look to combine related areas such as Engineering, all languages and education into one topic/subject to reduce the amount of content that needs to be written.

 Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) has this been assessed as part of item 2, or is this something different?Subjects increased as a result of the consultation via PVCs
11Remove postgraduate subjectsRemove any postgraduate topic/subject pages from the list of content to be developed. This can be addressed as part of the postgraduate work to come. Linked to option 7 - UG prioritised and addressed first.UG programme prioritised
12Revised delivery approach - top down

Amend delivery approach to deliver value earlier, and focus on the highest priority content. Each of the following are proposed as a deliverable to build on to eventually deliver the full topic solution. Each deliverable is prioritised using MoSCoW (must, should, could, wont now).

Delivery 1: New taxonomy and current content

  1. UG & PG: Deliver revised taxonomy of topics for navigation purposes, and link to current subject pages. (M)

Delivery 2: UG priority content - replacing sections in the current subject and programme pages


Priority content for topics and UG programmes 

  1. UG & PG: Write topic content for 'subjects/specialisations' section. (M)
  2. UG & PG: Write topic content for 'about' section. (M)
  3. UG & PG: Write topic content for 'careers - informational text' section. (M)
  4. UG: Write programme content for 'general' section. (M)

Delivery 3: PG priority content - replacing sections in the current subject and programme pages

PG: Write topic content for 'subjects/specialisations' section. (M)

  1. PG: Write topic content for 'about' section. (M)
  2. PG: Write topic content for 'careers - informational text' section. (M)
  3. PG: Write programme content for 'general' section. (M) - assuming the same as the UG degree page structure?

Remaining deliverables: Lower priority content

  1. UG & PG: Write topic content for 'careers -media items' (C)
  2. UG & PG: Write topic content for 'people and stories' (C)
  3. UG & PG: Write programmes content for 'testimonials' (C)
  4. UG & PG: Write topic content for 'careers -fun facts' (W)
  5. PG: Write any remaining PG programmes content. (tbc)

Some lower priority work may have to be delivered at a later date, so Faculties and Schools work can commence.

Implications on templates and page structures for incremental releases.

Implications on this approach needs to be discussed with the core team.

Careers content writing (in current sprint) may need to be de-prioritised as soon as there is other content work to be picked up.

Subjects and programmes may need to be released together across faculty groupings.

Delivery 2 could be done incrementally - swapping out content on the subject pages, or all 4 points below done as one release.

Discussion 02.09.15:

Loses the approach for what the topic is trying to achieve if we dont deliver the 'about' section

There are only 2 or 3 PG topics - if you tried to hold off PG within a topic it could break a page. PG programmes could come later. (see delivery 3)

Could the PG coordinator be met with about each topic/subject area?

Programmes - steps to apply, scholarships, fees sections remain the same - written once and applied to each programme.

Risk around interviewing and time consumed in getting content updated. Can this approach be adapted?

Could do people and stories later

Could add the media and fun facts in careers later

Could map to career views (PDFs) on the careers site. Think careers are on Squiz. Better than linking away from site to Careers NZ.

Needs to be reviewed with Nigel and PMO.

Timeframes for the deliverables need to be considered.

Does the taxonomy work on its own purely for navigation purposes? If not at what point is it sensible to provide these groupings on the web site?


Priorities agreed