Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

App version
Date createdRequested byURLDescription of change (with tick box and assignee name)

Checked and correct

Page live


  •  Content Fairy (Unlicensed)  Selecting PGDip Sci has two issues:
    •  Doesn;lt select subject when you arrive on the qual page
    •  Qual abbreviation in header of qual page should be 'PGDipSc' (not all caps, which looks more like the international API code.
  •  1
  •  2
  •  3


  •   1
  •  2
  •  Content Fairy (Unlicensed)  Please delete button from Research topics block, as it resolves at the same place as the inline link.




Jane Young (Unlicensed)

M:\COMT-OnlineServices\Projects\Projects - Active\W0054 Phase II_Website Improvement Project\PG subjects and programmes\Science PG Programmes\PG Cross Cultural Psychology

Image Added



  •  Content Fairy (Unlicensed) please reverse the lines under Caitlin's name ie

    Caitlin Davies
    MSc in Cross-cultural Psychology
    PhD candidate in Political Psychology at Stony Brook University, USA



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) please add quote at bottom of research box, and can you please flip Seini's photo so she is looking at the quote

"The many international conference opportunities provided a great platform for presenting our research to the world, and for connecting with the work of others in widely different contexts."

Seini O'Connor, MSc in Cross-cultural Psychology

PhD candidate at the University of Maryland, USA






The more I travelled, the more engrossed and intrigued I became with understanding people through a cultural lens.

  •  Eliz name should read

    Elizabeth Weinberg

    MSc in Cross-cultural Psychology
    Administrator at Victoria International Leadership Programme

  •   And add degree under Malia's name (before job line) - MSc in Cross-cultural Psychology

  •  add sentence to malia's quote ie

    CACR provided me with a warm and comfortable environment. My supervisor, Professor Colleen Ward, supported me all the way from the beginning of my Masters’ program.

  •  reverse Seini's degree and Phd lines - as per Eliz







The School of Psychology awards a number of prizes to postgraduate students every year.



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Hi David - all instances of Cross Cultural should actually be Cross-cultural. I'll print a page and mark them.
    Sorry, I neglected to change them before sending to load.
  •  under CACR section - missing letter
    At CACR, you'll be supported in a whānau atmosphere, and take part in weekly labs, hear from guest speakers and mix with other Master's and PhD students.
  •   Gabe Ryan (Unlicensed) when you send page to be checked could you please ask them if they have any ideas for a banner. They usually use faces so this is going to be a challenge.