PSD to download: fas-listings_desktop.psd (v2)
- List of news
- List of events
- Pagination
- Filters and sub-filters (date, categories)
- Tags
- Lists sub-groups (eg. "upcoming events" + "past events")
- List of staff with portrait photo
- List of staff without photo (~compact version)
- Sidebar widget with link listing
- Sidebar widget with highlighted information (~ contacts etc.)
Note: DO NOT implement the advanced features in the early stage (calendar selector etc.)
News listing v1.0
Events listing v1.0
Staff listing v1.0 (all images / no images)
Note: 'No images' items should not be mixed with 'images' items - it makes the vertical flow inconsistent. It's recommended to pick one type of listing and stick with it within a single page block. If the portrait does not exist, use a gender-neutral default.