- Explain the technical limitations to offering greater personalisation of the web experience (e.g. default or priority to content most likely to be of interest to me)?
- Is it with Squiz or another system?
- Is it absolute or the way in which the technology has been deployed?
- What are our options to overcome or reduce these limitations?
- What is your view of our solutions utilising:
- Previous page (or at least global menu option): Where I come from will influence what I see (or at least the order/defaults)?
- Session cookies?
- Book marking?
- Other widgets/apps/external functionality?
- Further discussion on what "share" might look like. Bring examples, think of our audience, line up research.
- Explain to be how course finder results are "obtained", with specific focus on past/historic and future
User requirements
- How could we allow users to "store" a selection of courses in which they have an interest:
- To perform common actions on (e.g. print outline)
- To reuse in a future session?
Approach/How we work
- How do we collaborate more with users (especially students)?