Description | |
App wide | |
Revisit the banner
| |
Revisit the UI of the 'switcher'
| |
Add a heading in the Domestic footer | |
The search icon in the header menu should drop the cursor in the input field | |
Find a better UI pattern for the KIS thing that is WCAG compliant and meets TCE needs - maybe something with the NZ gov logo too | |
Add in the UI icon pattern for downloads | |
The 'page break' or delimiters feel a bit disruptive in bigger blocks of plain content - revisit? | |
Study area | |
The 'Why Wellington' CTA/button feels out of place compared to our other UI for CTAs/buttons | |
Better sign posting for what the 'Related areas of study' is for
| |
The bottom progression buttons could be better sign posted
| |
Study options tab - could have a smaller list showing if a Subject is selected - this list of subjects disappears once one is selected/opened | |
Study options - The sub link for 'requirements and courses' revisit? | |
Degree | |
The 'First Year, Second Year, Third year' content should be one content block - the HR line breaks in between feel odd with small amounts of content | |
The bread crumbs on the Requirements tab could be sticky? | |
*Less a UI issue more about content - it feels like a 'after you degree' or an enrich your study tab is missing - like http://ba.unimelb.edu.au/#pathways | |
PG Programme | |
The 'select your programme' is the same on the 'requirements' and 'apply' tabs - maybe they should have different wording | |
PG subject | |
The order of the 'quals' and 'people' tabs could be reversed