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Ahna Jensen
Bachelor of Arts with Honours student in Music

Pull quote: With strong Compositioncomposition, Performance performance and Musicology musicology departments, it's easy to have opportunities in all areas.

After finishing my BMus I wanted to start research do some research in music pedagogy at a postgraduate level. I have been 've been able to craft my degree to suit my needs. Being able to pick and choose from multiple courses from courses from Music, Education and Anthropology has meant I can tailor my degree to suit me.

More music in schools
I'm currently studying a Bachelor m doing a Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Honors) majoring in Music as I'm really interested in music pedagogyteaching and learning. Outside of the University university I am a Suzuki violin teacher and have had the opportunity to teach in many schoolsmany schools. From this experience I this experience I have seen noticed there is a lack a lack of music education at a primary school level. I wanted in most primary schools. I wanted the chance to study music education at postgraduate level postgraduate level to see if there was a way to start music introduce music in primary schools once more. 

Diversity and choiceand choice
The music community here at Victoria is Victoria is so diverse. Coming from a small violin community , I have been exposed to all sorts of weird, wacky but also great music and art. With strong Compositioncomposition, Performance performance and Musicology musicology departments , it's easy to have opportunities in all areas. You just need to ask!

Wellington is such a fantastic city to be living in. As a musician there is always a gig or a concert to attend or be playing in. The breadth of genres is incredible, there is always something to suit your mood or music taste. Mine is forever fluctuating and yet I always find something to go and see. 
