Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

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Date createdApp versionRequested byURLDescription of change (with tick box and assignee name)

Checked and correct


gabe photo still missing - gabe emailed Maree about it 10/4



The more I travelled, the more engrossed and intrigued I became with understanding people through a cultural lens.

  •  Eliz name should read

    Elizabeth Weinberg

    MSc in Cross-cultural Psychology
    Administrator at Victoria International Leadership Programme

  •   And add degree under Malia's name (before job line) - MSc in Cross-cultural Psychology

  •  add sentence to malia's quote ie

    CACR provided me with a warm and comfortable environment. My supervisor, Professor Colleen Ward, supported me all the way from the beginning of my Masters’ program.

  •  reverse Seini's degree and Phd lines - as per Eliz



The School of Psychology awards a number of prizes to postgraduate students every year.



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Hi David - all instances of Cross Cultural should actually be Cross-cultural. I'll print a page and mark them.
    Sorry, I neglected to change them before sending to load.
  •  under CACR section - missing letter
    At CACR, you'll be supported in a whānau atmosphere, and take part in weekly labs, hear from guest speakers and mix with other Master's and PhD students.
  •   Gabe Ryan (Unlicensed) when you send page to be checked could you please ask them if they have any ideas for a banner. They usually use faces so this is going to be a challenge.
