- SME: PG Lead: Susy Frankel
PG Administrator: Rozina Khan Faculty Manager: Alison Munro
- Postgraduate Administrator: Jonathan Dempsey
- Writer: Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)
Calendar pages:
- GatherContent:
- JIRA ticket:
Jira Legacy server JIRA ( serverId 27f93f26-1c92-33a3-8ce5-991824ed6542 key WIP-2059
- v1: Initial draft
- v1.1: SME changes
- v1.2: 2017 style changes
Qualifications covered
- Master of International Trade
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade
Relationships between qualifications
- Enrolments are accepted to the Master's only.
- Staircasing allows movement down as an exit option.
Name: Master of International Trade
Abbreviation: MIntTr
Duration: 3 trimesters
Duration details: 3 trimesters of full-time study or normally 6 if studied part-time
Schedule: Daytime and evening lectures
Intensity: Full time or part time
Type: Coursework
Location: On-campus (Pipitea and Kelburn, Wellington)
Complete: 180 points (6 courses)
Entry: Bachelor's degree with at least a B average
Start: Trimesters 1
Apply by: Standard trimester dates
Costs: From database for international only at this stage
Impact of previous university study in same subject: Requires
Entry requirements
A Bachelor's degree with at least a B average
To be accepted by the programme director as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study
Important information
- If you want to enrol in this programme but don't meet some of the entry requirements, you should contact the programme director to discuss your options.
- The academic Calendar is the authoritative source of programme and course information.
Programme requirements
Complete 180 points
Include four courses worth 120 points in Part 1:
- ITRA 501
- INTP 441
- LAWS 504
- MMPE 516
Complete further courses worth 60 points in Part 2 from:
- DEVE 511
- DEVE 512
- GOVT 519
- INTP 417
- INTP 429
- INTP 589
- LAWS 524
- LAWS 525
- LAWS 532
- LAWS 536
- LAWS 537
- LAWS 543
- LAWS 545
- LAWS 582
- MAOR 510
- MAOR 589
- MMPE 505
- BIOL 425
- LANG 501
- Other approved courses
Name: Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade
Abbreviation: PGDipIntTr
Duration: 2 trimester
Duration details: 2 trimester of full-time study or normally 4 if studied part-time
Schedule: Evening lectures
Intensity: Full time or part time
Type: Coursework
Location: On-campus (Pipitea and Kelburn, Wellington)
Complete: 120 points (4 courses)
Entry: Bachelor's degree with at least a B average
Start: Trimesters 1
Apply by: Standard trimester dates
Costs: From database for international only at this stage
Impact of previous university study in same subject: Requires
Entry requirements
You can’t enrol in this programme. It’s an exit qualification for candidates who have enrolled in the MIntTr but don't complete it.
Programme requirements
Complete 120 points.
Include four courses worth 120 points:
- ITRA 501
- INTP 441
- LAWS 504
- MMPE 516