A few thoughts on what success measures (or key performance indicators) are about to help focus:
- Measures that help you understand how you are doing against your objectives.
- Are indicators of success
- Require comparison across time periods
- Depend on the industry and type of website
Research outputs are a major source of prestige and funding for the university. WHile While they might be easily found by those on the inside (or with sprecific specific prior knowledge) they could be made more discoverable to people on the outside, meaning anyone without this prior knowledge of how and why to find research. The benefits would be more use made or greater awareness of the research done by people at Victoria, more requests for research (with the associated funding) and a greater recognition of the contribution made by Victoria.. Measures include:
- Visits, new cf returning, time on site, bounce rates, etc.
- Conversion actions, where appropriate (e.g. ask, download, call, email, etc.)