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Nick Butler (Unlicensed) for Steve Behrendt

Throughout my thesis I also enjoyed the brilliant support of the wider academic staff of the History programme who contributed valuable insights and discussion.

Stephen Clarke, MA

Historian for the Office of Treaty Settlements

Full story




Nick Butler (Unlicensed) for Steve Behrendt

With the encouragement of my supervisors, I have written and had published two academic articles based off the work I did in my Honours year and I’m currently writing articles based on my MA thesis.

Julia Wells, MA

[Full story]



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Under Contact, for Steve, since it's not possible to add extra bullet points please delete the 'for academic queries' entirely

Steve Behrendt, History MA/PhD Coordinator



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Under Contact, for Arini, since it's not possible to add extra bullet points please delete the 'for academic queries' entirely

Arini Loader, History Honours Coordinator 



  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Under Contact, for Jonette Crysell, change HPPI to School, Coordiantor to Administrator but, since it's not possible to add extra bullet points please delete the 'for administrative queries' entirely

Jonette Crysell, HPPISchool Postgraduate Administratorfor administrative queries










  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Please load these photos from project folder
  •  Stephen Clarke
  •  Julia Wells
  •  David Hall
  •  Geoff Brown
  •  Hannah Clark








