Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page contains details of changes needed to support the go-live of the release of Areas of Study and Degree pages to production. The table below covers:

  • any changes to the existing navigation pages on Faculty, School and homesite pages
  • redirects need for the Faculty, School and homesite pages which are being retired
  • details of the content existing pages contained that is not (fully) covered on the new pages

JIRA tickets

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

Corrections page

BEd(Tchg)EC corrections page (To be created)



Degree or subjectExisting pageActionsContent not (fully) covered on new/replacement pages: With comment as to coverage
  •  De-link faculty , SOM and home site equivalents
  •  Check that structure page is not used anywhere except the faculty and school (home site only appears to have the first page, not two)
  •  Delete two faculty and two school pagespage
  •  Redirect all four the old urls to the new degree page: 
  •  Add a redirect link so that the new degree page appears in left-hand sidebar on faculty and SOM sites, in place of the main page (see left) but remove reference to the second 'structure' pagesite.


Faculty contacts details: Replaced by VUW contact details

We don't mention summer trimester.We say nothing on Maori Business. Do we need to? Current link doesn't work anyway.

We don't (yet) have examples of the degree.


Home site:

Actions in the previous row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is not required to feed International, which draws only on the subject pages.

Same content as faculty site above

Also listed on the subject page on the:

Faculty site:

Home site:
