- Complete four course at 100 level:
- MATH 142
- MATH 151
- PHYS 114
- PHSY 115
- Complete four courses at 200 level:
- Two courses from PHYS 200-299
- Two further courses from:
- ECEN 201202-204
- MATH 243
- MATH 244
- PHYS 200-299
- Complete four courses at 300 level:
- PHYS 343
- Either ECEN 301 or ECEN 303
- One further course from PHYS 300-399
- One further approved course from PHYS 300-399 (or a related subject)
Biotechnology (BTEC)
- Complete five courses at (mostly) 100 level:
- BIOL 111
- BTEC 101
- CHEM 114
- CHEM 115
- Either PHIL 106 or PHIL 228361
- Complete four courses at 200 level:
- BIOL 241
- BTEC 201
- Two courses from:
- BIOL 236
- BIOL 244
- BIOL 252
- CHEM 201
- CHEM 205
- Complete three courses at 300 level:
- BTEC 301
- SCIE 310
- One course from:
- BIOL 340
- BMSC 334
- BMSC 339
- CHEM 301
- CHEM 305
- Complete four courses at 100 level:
- Either COMP 102 or COMP 112
- COMP 103
- Either ENGR 121 and ENGR 123
- Or MATH 161 and one course from:
- MATH 177
- QUAN 102
- STAT 193
- Or MATH 161 and one course from:
- Complete four approved courses from COMP, NWEN or SWEN 200-299.
- Complete four approved courses at 300 level from:
- COMP, NWEN, or SWEN 300-399
- CGRA 350
- Complete one further course from:
- ENGR 121
- ENGR 122
- MATH 141-399
- OPRE 100200-399
- STAT 100-399
Development Studies (DEVE)
- Must be studied with one partner major drawn from: Applied Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology and Biodiversity, Geography, Geology, Geophysics, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Physical Geography, Physics, or Statistics.
- Complete four courses from BIOL, CHEM, ESCI, GEOG, MATH, PHYS, STAT 100-199, including:
- STAT 193
- One course in MATH
- Complete ENVI 214 and courses worth 40 points from BIOL, CHEM, ESCI, GEOG, MATH, PHYS or STAT 200-299 (in addition to those required by the partner major).
- Complete courses worth at least 60 points at 300 level, including:
- ENSC 301
- Either ENSC 302 or ENSC 303
- Further approved 300-level course(s)
- Complete four courses at 100 level:
- MATH 142
- MATH 151
- PHYS 114
- PHYS 115
- Complete five courses at 200 level:
- MATH 243
- PHYS 221
- PHYS 222
- PHYS 223
- One further course from:
- ECEN 201202-204
- PHYS 200-299
- Complete four courses at 300 level:
- PHYS 304
- PHYS 305
- PHYS 307
- PHYS 309