Entry requirements
- Before enrollment, a candidate for the MEdPsych shall have:
- completed a Bachelor's degree with a major in Education, Psychology, Education and Psychology, or an approved teacher education degree, with an average of grade of B or above for all coursework in the final year of their undergraduate programme; and
- been accepted by the Associate Dean (Students) of the Faculty of Education as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study.
Programme requirements
- Total of 240 points required.
- Complete ten courses:
- EDUC 503
- EPSY 512
- EPSY 514
- EPSY 515
- EPSY 530
- EPSY 531
- EPSY 532
- EPSY 533
- EPSY 534
- EPSY 535.
Thoughts and question
- Seems to total 190 points. How come?
- I have found the answer myself. TCHG 516 is only 10 points but the Calendar (on p.233) lists it as 20.
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