- The BBSc is highly structured, although fractionally less so than the BAS. Do we have to show the degree rules by default?
- 2h. Is it desirable to specify here that a first year elective course is required ? Removes the need for the student to do the maths behind the rules above (see question above). Also relates to whether entry to first year is based on grade from elective or not?
- 4: Could be replaced by Calendar statement, but means little to students so prefer this wording. Is FAD okay with it?
- 4: Is B+ average part accurate? Are the grades from all first year courses (including any possible substitutions and electives) considered or all the required first year courses? Could move from requirements to supplementary information?
- The supplementary information above is given in case people wonder why courses are listed twice, but to avoid explaining about doing this subject as a major in the BBSc cf in another degree. Is this okay? Accurate?
- New: How often do students of the BBSc combine one of these majors with one from another degree. How/when to do cater for this?
- New: If I want to refer to the first year core courses can I move the 100-level elective to its own requirement?
Major subject requirements