- Quite a loose or flexible structure, with no real major option/block.
- Some ambiguity between what subjects may contribute to Part B 90 points.
- Strange mix of courses and points.
Degree requirements
- Total of 360 points required: 360.
- Minimum of 180 points points from 200 and 300-level courses.
- Minimum of 75 points from 300-level courses.
- Maximum of 180 points may be cross-credited between the BTW and another degree if taken simultaneously as a conjoint degree.
- Complete the following six 100-level courses
- TOUR 101
- TOUR 104
- TOUR 108
- Three Commerce courses Further three courses from:
- Either ACCY 111 or ACCY 130
- Either FCOM 111 or COML 111
- ECON 130
- INFO 101 or INFO 141 or INFO 151
- MARK 101
- MGMT 101
- QUAN 102
- STAT 193
- Complete the following six 200-level courses:
- TOUR 230
- TOUR 240
- TOUR 250
- Three Commerce Further three courses from:
- ACCY 223
- COML 203
- HRIR 201
- IBUS 201
- INFO 226 or INFO 201 or INFO 231
- MARK 203 or MARK 214
- MGMT 202 or MGMT 205 or MGMT 206
- PUBL 201 or PUBL 207
- QUAN 201
- Complete the following four 300-level courses:
- TOUR 320
- Three further Further three 300-level TOUR courses.
- Further 90 further points from BTM and MCom courses:
- Minimum of 15 points from 200 and 300-level courses
- The 90 points may also comprise courses from ASIA, CHIN, DEAF, ENVI, FREN, GEOG, GERM, HIST, ITAL, JAPA, MAOR, PASI, POLS, and SPAN.