Sprint | Dates | Theme | Notes | Milestones/Decision points |
15 | 06/07 - 17/07 | F&S usability testing CSP | F&S's: User research (AN & PS) Develop final proposal CSP: Topics - testing of proposed taxonomy, and some terms/labels (PS and SM) Topic prototype development Programme page - consult with selected stakeholder review group (incl. Jane, Charlotte, Sofia) (PS) - this will rollover to Sprint 16 and could potentially take longer depending on what comes out of these meetings. Other: Tagging in Squiz Info pages - AB - this will roll over until Sprint 16 Functional testing Events and News (PS) - this will roll over until Sprint 16 as we are waiting on feedback. Write user stories for images and embedded media (PS) | FYI: Chrissi a/l Complete testing on topics taxonomy First prototype/wireframe for topic page Draft of programme page Proposed solution for consultation |
16 | 20/7 - 31/7 | F&S usability testing (part 2) CSP | F&S's: - Confirm and communicate that FHSS is first cab
- Planning the presentation of Faculty and Schools approach (AN)
- Socialise F&S proposal (AN)
CSP: - Topics and subjects
- Programme
- Scoping Programme requirements - (PS) and (AN)
- Programme prototype/wireframe (JL) - requirements won't be finalised until the end of the first week of sprint.
- Mapping relationships between subjects/topics/programmes/courses Sam Motion (Unlicensed)
- Identify alternative search terms for subjects and topics (PS)
User research - Complete current students and document (AN) - also Tash
- Scoping international (AN)
Other - Personas: Overlay current student goals and behaviours on a small number of the current personas. Anne and Sam to help select best match (PS)
- Functional testing (JL)
- Continue to nurture events and news (PS)
- Testing the development site and tweaking as required (AB)
| FYI: Chrissi a/l |
17 | 3/8 - 14/8 | CSP and F&S wrap up Milestone decisions | F&S's: - Approach feedback v2 (AN)
- Delivery/order (CD)
- Content mapping and further analysis to support decisions, delivery approach etc. (PS)
CSP - Reference group (CD)
- Topics and subjects
- Elicit feedback on subject groupings from faculties and schools (PS & SM)
- Approval/sign off on groupings (CD/PS)
- Prototype/wireframe development (JL)
- Topic page example writings (SM)
- Planning for content writing (SM)
- Programme (UG focus)
- Scoping Programme requirements - (PS) and (JL)
- Content strategy (AN)
- Content outline (AN)
- Programme prototype/wireframe (JL)
User research - 2 additional new students (SM)
- Testing planning (PS)
Dev/technical work - Tagging (AB)
- Info pages (AB)
- Test site in Squiz (AB)
Other - Staff profiles - discussion with ITS (CD)
- Demographics - analysis of reports (AN)
- Final work on personas
- Comms - plan from Kim and specific focus on F&S communication and sign off. Presentation for SLT (CD)
- Resourcing (CD)
- Channels summary (SM)
- Relative sizing (CD) - S, P and F&S
| Topic page Programme page F&S approach Sizing/estimating Release options/breakdown |
18 | 17/8 - 28/8 | Topics | Programmes - Present draft programme content strategy at CSP reference group - Anne
- Create table of content (from plan) with sources. Suggested includes the following columns - Section, content area, source, new content (Y/N) - Anne
- Continue wireframe development - Joe
- Map programmes back to topics or megatopics - Paul
Topics - Circulate final topic content strategy to CSP reference group
- Create table of content (from plan) with sources. Suggested includes the following columns - Section, content area, source, new content (Y/N) - Anne and Sam
- Finalise wireframe development - Joe
- Touch bases with Careers Team for final confirmation of careers content approach - Anne
- Review of options for CSP delivery - Anne & Paul
- Plan for initial engagement with faculties and schools (ensure done in conjunction with Chrissi, and presented as investigation - nothing finalised yet)
- Assumes starts with FHSS but to confirm - will need to discuss with K M-G
- Plan workshops/interview questions
- Run initial workshop
- Finalise topics and subjects groupings - Paul
Faculties and Schools - Review delivery approach options - Paul What order to we approach each content area?
- Prepare presentation/consultation on F&S approach - Chrissi
- Do we want user stories for f&s (as per programmes)? I believe they are valuable, necessary even - Paul
Staff profiles - Unpack the interface and overlap between ITS and us - Paul
Development planning - Templates - investigate what information is required to ensure that templates existing are sufficient, or what other 'elements' are required - Andrew?
- Test site development - Andrew?
PM work - Resourcing - Chrissi
- Sizing in association with CSP delivery task above - Chrissi
- Comms continued - Chrissi
- Prioritisation continued - Chrissi
Analysis work - Trace sources of content and where it surfaces - Paul
- Initial interviews to plan/prepare for PG user research - Paul
- Do you want user stories written for any other epics at this stage? - Paul
Other/overlap from sprint 17.... - Test planning?
- Channel summary
- Info pages
- Tagging
- Orientation for Ben (Engagement BA) - Paul & Chrissi
| Priorities - Topic feedback from CSP reference group and sign off from PMO
- Topics content - sources and writing
- Programme development
- F&S approach presentation/consultation
19 | 31/8 - 11/9 | | Content - Planning
- Topics
FAD interviewsEstimate on how long to get all FAD topics drafted- Metadata - Sam
- Careers
- Societies and History (7 topics) - Anne
- Languages and cultures, Creative (- music) (7 topics) Sam
Dev & other tools - Programme wireframes - Joe 50%
- Course wireframes - Joe 50%
- Squiz API - Andrew
Brainstorming post discussion with Fronde - Andrew & NathanStaff profiles - Nathan & AndrewDiscussion with Fronde (28.08.15)Next meeting with ITS (including Edwin and someone from Banner team) - Andrew & Nathan
Analysis - Topic and programme consultation - Chrissi & Paul
- PG testing/user research - Paul
- Events - further analysis - Paul
Staff profiles - Paul
Project managment/other - Comms planning
- Consultation planning
- 2015 plan and review of delivery approaches
| Revised delivery for CSP to be reviewed F&S delivery approach to be discussed CSP writing continues Programme template continues Topic template to PMO (meeting cancelled last sprint) COO work commences (Joe) Tools to be investigated (dev and analysis) |
20 | 14/9 - 25/9 | Release 1 prep & initial programme consultation | Content - Topics
- FAD interviews - Sam and Anne
- Estimate on how long to get all FAD topics drafted
- Careers
Dev & other tools - Programme & Topic wireframes - Joe 70%
- Course wireframes - Joe 30%
- Squiz API - Andrew
- Brainstorming post discussion with Fronde - Andrew & Nathan
- Staff profiles - Nathan & Andrew
- Discussion with Fronde (15.09.15)
- Next meeting with ITS (including Edwin and someone from Banner team) - Andrew & Nathan
Analysis - Topic and programme consultation - Chrissi & Paul
- PG testing/user research - Paul
- Events - further analysis - Paul
- Staff profiles - Paul
Project managment/other - Comms planning
- Consultation planning
- 2015 plan and review of delivery approaches
| Taxonomy release prep Content interviews with schools |
21 | 28/9 - 9/10 | Taxonomy release, programme feedback | COO wireframe development - Joe (1 day - subject to meeting 23/09)
- development tweaks
- feedback to users
Topics and programmes - Topic and programme release plan - Chrissi
- Release 1 of taxonomy - All
- Release 2 - scope of second taxonomy release - Chrissi, Paul, Joe
- Topics test planning - Joe & Paul
- Next round of changes to the wireframe - Joe
- Topic page build in Squiz - Andrew
- Testing design for programme and topics (spike test) - Andrew
- Programmes - consultation with just CSP group
- Review of group feedback - Paul & Joe
- More internal consultation with web team (Nathan)
- Priorities for release - Chrissi
Topics taxonomy - Changes to the taxonomy - Paul
Staff profiles - Review of Fronde feedback - Nathan, Andrew, Chrissi, Paul
- Meet with ITS - Nathan, Andrew, Chrissi, Paul
Events - Review of Pauls stories - Nathan, Andrew, Chrissi
Content - Topics writing - Anne and Sam
- Meetings with HoS's - Anne and Sam
Analysis - Library - Paul (discuss with Nigel Friday 25th)
- Events feedback - Paul
- Staff profiles - Paul
- Disciplines - Paul
Project management/other - Continued comms & consultation planning - Chrissi
- F&S planning
- Consultation - Chrissi
- Web publishing model - Chrissi and Nigel
- Terminology - Chrissi/Nigel/Madeleine
- Freeze topic and subject grouping for remaining content development
| Taxonomy release 1- Prepare presentation/consultation on F&S approach - Chrissi
- Do we want user stories for f&s (as per programmes)? I believe they are valuable, necessary even - Paul
Staff profiles - Unpack the interface and overlap between ITS and us - Paul
Development planning - Templates - investigate what information is required to ensure that templates existing are sufficient, or what other 'elements' are required - Andrew?
- Test site development - Andrew?
PM work - Resourcing - Chrissi
- Sizing in association with CSP delivery task above - Chrissi
- Comms continued - Chrissi
- Prioritisation continued - Chrissi
Analysis work - Trace sources of content and where it surfaces - Paul
- Initial interviews to plan/prepare for PG user research - Paul
- Do you want user stories written for any other epics at this stage? - Paul
Other/overlap from sprint 17.... - Test planning?
- Channel summary
- Info pages
- Tagging
- Orientation for Ben (Engagement BA) - Paul & Chrissi
| Priorities - Topic feedback from CSP reference group and sign off from PMO
- Topics content - sources and writing
- Programme development
- F&S approach presentation/consultation
19 | 31/8 - 11/9 | | Content - Planning
- Topics
FAD interviewsEstimate on how long to get all FAD topics drafted- Metadata - Sam
- Careers
- Societies and History (7 topics) - Anne
- Languages and cultures, Creative (- music) (7 topics) Sam
Dev & other tools - Programme wireframes - Joe 50%
- Course wireframes - Joe 50%
- Squiz API - Andrew
Brainstorming post discussion with Fronde - Andrew & NathanStaff profiles - Nathan & AndrewDiscussion with Fronde (28.08.15)Next meeting with ITS (including Edwin and someone from Banner team) - Andrew & Nathan
Analysis - Topic and programme consultation - Chrissi & Paul
- PG testing/user research - Paul
- Events - further analysis - Paul
Staff profiles - Paul
Project managment/other - Comms planning
- Consultation planning
- 2015 plan and review of delivery approaches
| Revised delivery for CSP to be reviewed F&S delivery approach to be discussed CSP writing continues Programme template continues Topic template to PMO (meeting cancelled last sprint) COO work commences (Joe) Tools to be investigated (dev and analysis) |
20 | 14/9 - 25/9 | Release 1 prep & initial programme consultation | Content - Topics
- FAD interviews - Sam and Anne
- Estimate on how long to get all FAD topics drafted
- Careers
Dev & other tools - Programme & Topic wireframes - Joe 70%
- Course wireframes - Joe 30%
- Squiz API - Andrew
- Brainstorming post discussion with Fronde - Andrew & Nathan
- Staff profiles - Nathan & Andrew
- Discussion with Fronde (15.09.15)
- Next meeting with ITS (including Edwin and someone from Banner team) - Andrew & Nathan
Analysis - Topic and programme consultation - Chrissi & Paul
- PG testing/user research - Paul
- Events - further analysis - Paul
- Staff profiles - Paul
Project managment/other - Comms planning
- Consultation planning
- 2015 plan and review of delivery approaches
| Taxonomy release prep Content interviews with schools |
21 | 28/9 - 9/10 | Taxonomy release, programme feedback | COO wireframe development - Joe (1 day - subject to meeting 23/09)
- development tweaks
- feedback to users
Topics and programmes - Topic and programme release plan - Chrissi
- Release 1 of taxonomy - All
- Release 2 - scope of second taxonomy release - Chrissi, Paul, Joe
- Topics test planning - Joe & Paul
- Next round of changes to the wireframe - Joe
- Topic page build in Squiz - Andrew
- Testing design for programme and topics (spike test) - Andrew
- Programmes - consultation with just CSP group
- Review of group feedback - Paul & Joe
- More internal consultation with web team (Nathan)
- Priorities for release - Chrissi
Topics taxonomy - Changes to the taxonomy - Paul
Staff profiles - Review of Fronde feedback - Nathan, Andrew, Chrissi, Paul
- Meet with ITS - Nathan, Andrew, Chrissi, Paul
Events - Review of Pauls stories - Nathan, Andrew, Chrissi
Content - Topics writing - Anne and Sam
- Meetings with HoS's - Anne and Sam
Analysis - Library - Paul (discuss with Nigel Friday 25th)
- Events feedback - Paul
- Staff profiles - Paul
- Disciplines - Paul
Project management/other - Continued comms & consultation planning - Chrissi
- F&S planning
- Consultation - Chrissi
- Web publishing model - Chrissi and Nigel
- Terminology - Chrissi/Nigel/Madeleine
- Freeze topic and subject grouping for remaining content development
| Taxonomy release 1 |
22 | 12/10 - 23/10 | Second release build Finalise topic design Topics release plan Testing | - Second release for taxonomy - Joe and Andrew
- Search implementation - Andrew/Nathan
- Wireframe testing - Paul and Joe
- Initial review of GA and mouseflow for taxonomy and subjects a-z (present back to PMO) - Andrew and Chrissi
- Survey results - Chrissi and Paul
- Spike test work continued - Andrew PRIORITY
- Content - interview and writing for topics - Anne and Sam
- Topics release plan - Chrissi and Paul
- Staff profiles - tbc
- Second round of developments for programmes (based on agreed priorities and feedback)
- Priorities and releases need to be documented and agreed
- Topic API breakdown - Joe and Andrew
- Review of topic and programme builds - Nathan, Joe, Andrew, Paul, Chrissi (week 2)
- Content review approach - Tash
| Release 2 dev work |