Approach from meeting with Paul, Joe, Nathan, Tash and David
- Deliver the taxonomy on a new page with structure of topics prior to Oct 1, ready , ideally before (or soon after) 1st Oct ready for core recruitment period
- This will replace the current subject listing > http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects
- The UG and PG study pages will link to the new topics pageWe will build links to this re-purposed page from in links from
- http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study (above (or modify) the study widget)
- http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/undergraduates (above (replaces or modify) the subject study widget)
- http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/postgraduates
- a section on this way finder pageWill use the term subjects not topics
- We will develop a new "list all subjects" page to replace the current subject listing page (that is being re-purposed for our taxonomy fly out.
- Will
- contain either all the current subjects (les those that are ending) or all the subjects in the taxonomy
- Will be ordered alphabetically
- Maybe at /study/programmes-courses/subjects/listing or /study/programmes-courses/subjects/all
- Will build it in Squiz
- Will design and develop for both mobile and desktops
- Will have documentation available for content writers and developers regarding its use, how to update/create content and what to do if it breaks
- Metadata for subjectsHave metadata for mega-areas and topics
- Use images for topics mega-areas and topics (see wireframe)
- Filter UG and PG topics and subjects for UG and PG pages in study
- Build light-weight version of topics grouping for use at "Future students" hub (~ just a taxonomy navigation without texts, presented in a more compact grid-like fashion)