University of Queensland (Australia) -
Notable features: Design, Responsive Layout, International/Domestic separation, IA by audience or hierarchy, Hand-crafted content pages.
PS: Make use of high level categories for areas of study, but group degrees not subjects.
Johns Hopkins University (USA) -!/degrees=bachelors
Notable features: Programmes and Degrees solution and features around it, menus, responsive layout, dynamic UI.
PS: Interesting icons to denote attributes of degrees.
Oxford (UK) -
Notable features: Navigation layers and structure, responsive design, simplicity, Programmes detail, Overall UX.
Imperial College London -
Notable features: Simple and clean design, well-balanced news/events/research vs. marketing ratio, responsive layout, Straightforward high-level navigation, 'Study' page, 'Top links' sections, 'Information for' page (based on audience).
Interesting use of statistics on the topic/subject page.
Cornell University (USA) -
Notable features: Highly customized responsive solution (i.e. popular destination links visible for mobile only), integration with social media (Twitter, Instagram), News and Event-based Homepage, IA, people & stories, statistics.