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We’ll be writing new content. To create this, we'll carry out short one-to-one interviews with key people in schools.
We'll ask the faculty manager to help us identify who to work with. We'll request the following:
We will give them tasks after the meeting - see end of document.
Process flowchart
insert here
Review and
sign off
We want this to be as simple as possible:
- Review and sign-off will be carried out by the main interviewee (eg, the HOS).
- They may wish to consult with the comms advisor or another colleague if necessary, but we'll request that the draft isn't widely circulated and changed.
- We'll be very clear, in advance, what is required from them in review and sign off (eg, factual check rather than rewrite of text).
- We'll use one-on-one meetings to get any feedback.
Who we'll to speak to
Pre-interview checklist
- Send out the interview script.
Background for interviewee