Key points
- Victoria's website(s) are not an important channel for them (especially undergrads). When they weren't seen by the students as a place to go to for information, news or updates. They reported that they primarily use the site(s) , it's to do a specific task - usually for three specific tasks: find a person, get course info or access a tool shortcut.Undergrads shortcut to a tool.
- The students were unfamiliar with the 'Current students' section of the homesite, although web stats indicate that enrolment-related information is accessed there.
- The students identified email and BlackBoard as their preferred channels for information from Victoria, with all students also following relevant pages on Facebook.
- Several students commented that they get too many emails: sign-up options should be more granular.
- The students didn't have a concept of F&S sites being separate ‘sites’ .don’t use - although the one PG student involved did understand this.
- When looking for information about a staff member, students used search and therefore missed the home page of a F&S homepages site.
- Search results were sometimes swamped with results from F&S pages in search results slow them down and can sites, which could be confusing.
- Even the most engaged students are not interested the news F&Ss produce. They do like to hear big uni news though.
- They rarely use the Current students homepage, usually preferring to start from search.
- Lack of trust in the content - perception by three students that web content may Three students noted that they didn't trust the web content because it might be inaccurate or out of date.
Course finder: Students students in both streams of testing said they need more detail about a course - a stronger description of what it is about. Lack The lack of content has detail has a very high impact on studentsthem.
What were their expectations prior to coming to uni?
- Profiles from past students: "I like to see where people have been taken and what happens to them after graduation".
- Overview of where you're heading and what skills you'll have at the end. (Careers and job info.)
- Information on postgrad requirements (for PG student).
Faculty and school sites
- Room number
- Pic of the person (if current) - "so you can see who's who"
- Selecting supervisor for PG.
A One student noted that a bio written in the first person is appealing.
Course planning process
From three students. :
- Look at core courses. Look at options. Use course finder. If not confident about the information or there's not enough information, may email someone.
- Write them down on paper. May put into Word or Excel.
- Then check timetables. One student uses MyVictoria for scheduling. "The lecture timetable is not good enough. It's not something you'd want to print out and stick on your wall. I make my own in excel and colour code it." Would love to be able to do this online.