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"It took me awhile to realise that I was not defined by my grades, and that I had just as much a right to be here as anyone else." Started focusing on how much she enjoyed what she was learning, boyfriend encouraged her to go and see SLS Student Support, and she ended up working with the awhina gropAwhina programme, which has provided excellent support for her. Grades went from Cs to As.


Re-enrolment (course planning)Wished you could save courses and build your timetable. Planning for next year: not yet.

Extracurriculars: member of the awhina tutoring programme. it's great that they have their own computer room because there's nearly always a machine free. 


Victoria websites: on information pages she would like to see a couple of sentences from past students, perhaps covering what their expectations were and were they met? Likes the design and layout of homesite. 


Likes BB, Facebook, Screens and Vic website.


  • Info on assignments and when due; and help and tutor contacts
  • Course outline.

Facebook – follows:

  • Class rep for each subject – great for student questions. Nice community, being connected.
  • VUSWA – events, what’s on
  • Overheard@Vic
  • Psych society
  • Ad hoc group from the Psych Survivor course.


  • Not so keen on email any more. Too much stuff. Likes everything together.

Vic website:

"So much" info on Vic website. Has taken time out to just explore it. "Fantastic".

  • Current students' profiles and experiences
  • Info on what’s on (Current students’ area)
  • Student health – workshops
  • Looking for course outlines.
  • Vic Plus

  • Career Hub.

F&S sites:

Faculty site -  has never used (that she’s aware).


Interactions with F&S

Faculty = offices

School – has contacted a few times



From the homepage went to current students. Liked the visuals and the events list (actually the promos). Uses the footer for quick links. 
