Versions Compared


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Intelligent, articulate student - high value person to have involved.

Bachelor of Design Innovation, majoring in Culture+Context and minoring in Marketing. Also doing a BA in Philosophy.

So is across three campuses. But courses are spread around throughout the week so plenty of time to get around. Walks - good exercise - can't afford to go to the gym!

2nd year

Is a student rep on the Faculty of Architecture and Design Board.

From Auckland. Why Victoria?


Social media

Loves social media butand spends a lot of time on it.

BUT: "I don't want to be one of those people on their phones all the time." (Doesn't want to be checking her phone when talking to people.)

Last semester she was off Facebook for a month - but missed out on uni updates so went back on it.

Acknowledges that she is on social media 'all the time' for her business.


Facebook (see below).


Main channels for info from Vic: Facebook and email.

Email - doesn't sign up to anything she doesn't want or need.

Facebook - follows:

  • Textbook sales
  • Vic Deals
  • Pages for each 'paper'
  • Design, uni etc

BlackBoard - "Notoriously awful" "Interface should be something students love" "A let down".

MyVic and Blackboard should all be one thing.

Screens - might look at them if she happens to be in the area.

Vic website, Faculty site, School site - really confusing. Everything should be on the main site. Schools, faculties and Vic should all be one. EmailWe are all one university. I don't see why it can't all be the same thing.

Did not choose text (I haven't had a text from Victoria) 


e-newsletter (she doesn't sign up to anything she doesn't want or need).




Tablet (Sam, she mumbled here - I think she said tablet)

Takes a laptop to uni for notes unless it's raining. Always has her phone - good in class for looking things up, such as online dictionary to look up a term the lecturer has used.

Info needs from Vic

Uni - "the larger scale" - ie, overview of where you're heading and what skills you'll have at the end.

MyQual on MyVic definitely helps for this. Needs "more of those things".




Planning study

Scary that choices you make when you're 15 or 16 (ie, school subject choices) define what you will do. "You have no idea until you're at uni."

Has made lots of changes to course (paper) choices. Not enough info about what a course will cover: "You find out what they're about when you're into them". She has withdrawn from courses and changed courses, but the deadline is 2 weeks after they start. Sometimes she's had a fail recorded and incurred fees if she did it too late. Wants her GPA to be high and it is affected by this.

Enrolment process

Difficulty was knowing what she liked. A smoother transition of 'subjects' from school to uni would help (ie, uni subjects were different).

Process was that she chose her subjects then did the online enrolment. Already knew a bit about how uni worked so was OK.


Thought uni would be full time, but actually it isn't. She thinks there's too much downtime - she'd like to see the semesters being shorter and the workload more compressed.

Plans for PG

Not sure. "Design is really about your experience and your portfolio." "Design is practical."

Might do PG at Vic or PG overseas. Is also thinking about career - travel - and starting a family at some point.

News and events

Not so interested in wider life at Vic. No real interest in Vic news and events. Might read the Vic magazine (Victorious?)