Based on: 'Idealist' profile in 'Gen Y' tribes.
Male aged 17, Pakeha
Year 12 at school (Wellington High)
Spending time with family and friends important - but schoolwork takes precedence when it needs to be done.
Technology and internet
Laptop and smartphone.
Tries not to spend too much time on the internet. Sometimes accesses it via his smartphone.
Is getting sick of Facebook.
Tertiary education and career goals
Looking for a career where he can make a difference. For some time, has had something in mind: he's interested in working with people in developing countries. Last holidays, he did some volunteer work at the Red Cross.
As well as looking for the right programme of study, Mattie wants a university experience that will help him grow as a person. He's not looking for non-stop partying: it's more about networks and groups, and extending his awareness of global and environmental issues. He wants to make new friends and be exposed to new ideas.
Information needs from Victoria
When Mattie visits Victoria's website, he wants to find out what study options are available that match the type of work he's interested in doing. He wants to explore relevant areas broadly, as well as look at different qualification options (programme options). He needs to know that the qualification he chooses will help him get a job at the end of it.