- Male
- 23 years old
- From Chicago, USA
- Has South American heritage. Mum and dad are splitting the cost of study with him.
- Potential postgraduate student. Has a Bachelor of Science majoring in Geophysical Sciences. Wants to do a Masters.
- Was a solid B undergrad student. Excelled at practical tasks but found essay writing and group work tiresome.
- Tossing up between NZ and Australia. Attracted to NZ for its environment and reputation for innovation. But are there jobswill he be able to find a job after studying?
- Wants to live in a hall to meet people.
- Is confident, social and makes friends easily but rarely gets close to people.
- Physically active and adventurous. Bit of a risk taker.
- Influenced by his parents and their social group more than his own. Also by 'thought leaders' in his field.
- Idealist but in a 'practical' way. For example, is interested in renewable energy partly because he thinks the job prospects are good.